24. Bottoms

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All the team members had decided to go all hulk on me - teaching me everything that I am supposed to know, to clear the tests. I won't call it cheating because it was next to impossible to keep up with it.


Neil asked me.

I answered the capital of the country he asked after three clap-knuckle-jump Pushups.
Yep, that's the maximum time I had to answer.
And fuck the sting!

"2nd Feb 1848?"
He asked without a care.

"Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Brought an end to Mexican-American War."
Damn it this viva is going to cost me my bones.

"Operation Eagle Claw."
He asked walking around me.

"24 April 1980."
I answered with clenched teeth.

Though my Knuckles had gotten used to such stings, thanks to Charles insulting and warning Neil, it still hurts like a bitch.

"Temporary residence of the President?"
The code language viva wasn't supposed to come up till tomorrow!
Rascal Neil!

"Iraqi spy ring recruited by the CIA, 2003."
He flipped from one subject to another with a snap of a finger. I was impressed with myself how I managed to answer everything just in time despite the state my body was in.

Another fifty odd questions before I get to rest my ass on ground.

"That was good, sir."
Blundell, who left on my second question and returned on 47th only to find that I didn't give a single wrong answer to Neil's questions, said proudly.

"Surprising, right?"
I said as I massaged my aching shoulders.
Blundell stepped forward and helped me with my stretching.

"You're ready, sir?"
That was Nelson.

"I think so."
That was an honest answer.
Though I hate to say that my ass was deep in fire or the other way round, because my tests start day after tomorrow.

"Any inside info?"
I wink as I tease his 'I'm a bird' status.

Neil cleared his throat at some distance and Nelson chuckled.

Neil was so fucking possessive of his birds. He'd take their stand everytime. He'd not let anyone make a joke on them. And they had the first say in every matter. I'm glad he lets Charles speak first though. So no wonder, my joke offended him, at the very least.

I raised my hands in apology.
Neil turned around and left.

"His possessiveness for you guys makes me puke."
I fake a gag that made Nelson laugh.

"He just wants to give us due credit for our work. And honestly, that's a lot of credits."
He replied puffing his chest in pride.
I disgusted at his move making him laugh louder.

"Hey Lieutenant!"
Neil called me loudly from outside.

"Yes Sir?"
I fumbled with my shoelaces as I rushed to run out.

"You had a phone call an hour back. He'll call you again ten minutes from now."
Neil said climbing down the stairs looking at his watch.

"Did he say his name?"
"Tail. When I said I'm a senior officer that can cause some serious damage with his nick name, he blurted his real name."
Neil scoffed and walked away.

I laughed loudly and ran towards the main office. My tail rang me up.
He has some nerves!

I stood waiting for his call and he didn't disappoint me at all.
He rang three minutes before the time allotted to him. Neil would kick his ass for not following orders.
Well he never did, and he probably won't follow the orders even now. He's a rebellion for discipline. And sucker got me so much trouble, I should have strangulated him the day I had to lie to Beta for him - that big a sucker!

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