2. Welcome

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I never thought I'll enter these premises ever.

Central Continued Training Camp - a place of perfectionists. This is where agents polish themselves. For Class-I agents posted at other units, it is mandatory to do CT here for three months straight regularly. Rest of the rare lot permanently stays here, to keep the shine intact.

How could a cadet at KMA even dream of coming here right after passing out from the Academy. That too as a trial case. I'm yet to gulp that truth down my throat.

"Hey Newbie!"
I heard an insolent voice coming from behind me. Putting two and two together, I deciphered that this is my I/C.
Damn he hates me already.

I turned around on my heels and gave a crisp salute to the Major standing right in my nose.

'Norman T.' read his nameplate.

"Lieutenant James Dwight reporting, sir."
I say clearly, trying my best to keep a professional tone.

"That's what I thought. Why else would a two star boy look lost here."
He said impolitely.

I've seen Beta. I've met Senior and junior training officers. I've been screwed by heartless instructors. But none of them gave me such 'hateful' vibes that I'm getting from this person.
And we haven't even properly met!

Great start, James.

Before I could do much as breathe, he kept a firm hand on my shoulder and spun me around.
I stood straight at whatever position he wanted me to be.

I saw his hand crossing me from one side and I looked at where his index finger was pointing.
It was a bell.

"Go and ring that, kid."
If I was at KMA, I would have laughed. Loudly. Despite of knowing how red my ass would be in the next moment, I would have laughed.
But not here.

Now, I stopped breathing.
I stood like a marble.
He thought I didn't know what he was making me do, or may be he knew and wanted to start this whole thing with a heavy impact. Whatever the reason be, he was intimidating as Fuck.

When I didn't move for a few seconds, he spoke "Are you going to ring that bell or not?"

"Not before I have given my hundred percent, sir."
I tried to keep my tone respectable, still clear.

"Hard headed huh? Drop."
I dropped on all four and waited for his instruction to start pushing.
Beta has given just enough of those lessons to remember for a lifetime.

But instead of saying what I expected, he spoke things I thought he'll go slowly with.

"Look young boy. We both know how happy I am with your arrival. Lt Col Reese would have told you already. Your commander may think that he's the best instructor out there who can create opportunities for his kids and become a celebrity, but it's not the way military works, not CCTC at the very least. Now, there's a difference of sky and ocean between me and your previous trainers. They wanted you to become better, wanted to teach you how to survive, wanted to see you grow. Me? I want to see you leave. At the earliest. Any how. Nothing else. The sooner you understand this, the sooner we'll both be free. I have nothing against you personally. But. If you do not ring that bell right now, things will become more personal than you can handle. So, you can keep your ego intact and I can keep mine by just one act. Get up if you are ready."
He hovered around me while I ingested his words. He made his point clear - he wants me out. I'm scared to the core now. What if he tries to do some permanent physical damage to me? I'm not scared of scars or injuries. But if that's the reason I let go of Beta's hardwork, I'll never be able to look into his eyes.

I stay down knowing what reply I'm giving him.
He completed a few rounds in complete silence where I could hear my breaths clearly.

"So you have made your decision, I see."
He said irritated and I felt doom heading my way.

"Start rolling. Let's familiarise you to this place, since you've decided to spend a few days here."

He said and started walking away.
I started front rolling with my bag still on my back.

He took me directly to the training ground and stopped there.
I stood up and looked straight ahead.

It was a huge field.
With nothing but green ground.

I expected this ground to have all sorts of trenches and ropes, the same as our Horrible Valley. Oh that was a bone chiller in itself. I can face anything after surviving and winning two TETs in that valley.

"Bag off. Shirt off. Trouser off. Four rounds of the ground - side roll. Ask around for me when you're done. Don't even think of wearing your clothes back or having some water."
He said and left.

What in the real Fuck was that?

Four rounds of THIS ground?
This ground that has no visible boundary?
SIDE Rolls?

He sure wanted to ensure I heard and understood him clearly.

I did as told.
Kept my bag on the floor, took off my shirt and trouser one by one, folded them and kept over my bag.

One white short was the only piece of clothing saving my dignity at this new hostile place.

As soon as I lied down to start rolling, I felt pointy little pebbles poking me. Screw my life, my skin is going to be abraded by the time I'm done.

I had no food and water in my stomach, no cloth on my body.
Thank god for the better weather here and for Beta forcing me to have heavy breakfast.

As expected, I had quite an audience by the time my fourth round got over. I started in the afternoon and it was sunset time.

I got up and saw that there were hundreds of little sharp stones embedded all over my body. Without caring about the jolts of pain every single of them were producing, I walked to the first person I could see.

"Sir, I need to meet Major Norman. Where can I find him?"

The man replied and I cursed mentally 'You fucking moron, have you ever seen me here? How on earth do you expect an outsider to know where the mess is?'

"Take a right from where you started front rolling. Make it quick, he'll leave in six minutes."
A voice came from behind.

I wanted to thank this guy who kept an eye on me since I stepped here - how else would he know where I started rolling?
As if reading my mind and my frantically rotating neck, his voice boomed again "Don't bother thanking me. Go fast."

With that clearance got, I ran away regardless of my 'almost' nude state.

I got a few glares, but mostly laughs coming my way.

I went and stood outside mess, knowing how badly I'll be battered if I enter in this shameless form.
I waited for less than ten seconds when I saw my I/C coming out.

He saw me, came towards me and checked time on his wrist watch.
He said clearly unhappy.

I silently thanked the voice for earning me this compliment.


Looks like hardheadedness runs in Dwight family. And running into assholes too 😅😅.

After reading Colonel James for literally three years, Lieutenant James makes my heart freak out a little everytime 😁.

PS first paragraph rings something in someone's ears?
Special sneak peek of next chap to the reader who guesses it. 😈

Also, guesses for the one in the last sentence? 🤓


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