15. U-turn

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I need to talk to Neil face to face.
That fucker owes me the answers to all my questions before I smack his head and kick his eyeballs out.
Fuck him for all the commotion inside my skull right now!


"Officer halt!"
Oh thank god!

I stopped and bent forward with my sandbag still in my hands over my head.
I knew I'll be paying for bringing my hands down without being permitted to, but fuck that!
My arms are dying and so will I.

All this just to look him in the eyes.
I knew I'll pay for it, but not this bad!!

I dragged my feet to him with my arms straight up again.

"Did I tell you to bend down?"
"No, Neil."

"Did I tell you to walk upto me?"
Shit! This always happens with him!
"No, Neil."

"Then please tell me what do I owe this pleasure to?"
Sarcastic bitch!

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't know what you were planning. I should have -"

"I'm teaching you exactly what you should have done. I'm not making you pay for your anger. I'm making you pay for your behaviour."
He cut me in between my apology.

Darn he never lets my guilt go down.

"Four more rounds before I think of anything else."
He said disinterested.

I gulped my apology down my charred throat, lifted the sandbag up again and took off.

I've ran thirty rounds already. Everytime I finish one, I cross him hoping that he will forgive me for my 'I'll kill you' looks back in med care.

Completing thirty four, I went and stood in front of him again.
I was breathing through my mouth and my tongue was dry. It's been a while since I've felt this pathetic by workout alone but damn the pain in my back!

"Put it down."

I gladly put the sandbag near his feet and my back blessed him the very next moment.
My fingers were tingling with the blood rushing back to the tips and suddenly my hands started feeling heavier.

All the while Neil had a killing glare fixed on me. I was breathing very slowly despite my lungs' cry. I didn't want to even take extra oxygen and offend him.

"Knuckle Jumps for every word of your answer."
He said in a straight tone.

Now this is going to hurt.
My knuckles were already red and there were innumerable scabs all over. One jump and all of them will pull out.
It's really going to sting.

I got on all fours ready to start jumping.

"What did I expect from you when we first met?"
He asked with no change of tone.

I started hitting my Knuckles and as expected, it started stinging and bleeding with first go. I'll have to keep my answers short if I want to take my hands back tonight.

"That. You. Wanted. Me. To. Pass. The. Tests."
I had to bite my tongue to keep the pain from changing my tone.

"Still you doubted me?"
"I'm sorry -"

"That's not the right answer."
Neil surely is not in a mood for any apology.

"Yes. I. Doubted. You."
I said what he wanted to hear.

"What did I order you about the salutation?"
"To. Call. You. By. Your. Name. When. There's. No. Senior. Around."
My hands were paining and my grunts were uncontrollably loud.

Barbed Lives ☑️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz