13. ZizZ

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I was dead tired with all the workouts I've done under all instructors this whole week. Add the barely countable sleep, I really felt sick. Like I won't be able to do the ten mile run with ten kg weight on my back tomorrow. I can see myself fainting in near future.

"What's wrong?"
Neil asked me concerned.

"Nothing, Sir. I mean nothing, Neil."

"You are not well. Stop lying. Show me your work cycle book."
I handed over my diary to him hesitantly and he went went through all the pages.

"That's all you've slept?"
He asked surprised.

I nodded a yes.
"That's inhuman! Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I didn't tell you even now."
I said and immediately regretted.
He is a CTO, not my buddy that I'm talking back to him so casually.

"I'm sor-"
"Shut up. You will not go for PT tomorrow."

"I can't skip that, Neil. Only if Major Norman gives me some other task, I'm allowed to skip. Otherwise I have to report to all the instructors of the camp everyday."
And all of them screw me hot.
There's not even a single one of those mo**erfuckers who goes easy on me.

"You'll not go PT tomorrow. Instead, you'll go to Med Care. I'll ensure that."
These two words rose my heartbeats.

"No Neil, please! I am ready to faint during the run and then go to med care. But no checkups please. They'll frame me as a weakling and I can not afford to get that stamped on my face."
"I didn't ask you anything. I told you what's going to happen tomorrow."
He said writing the time and 'permitted to sleep' and signed off.

"I've been there thinking the same. I was wrong. And so are you. Sleep tight."
He said softly and left.

God what is he going to do tomorrow?


"But sir-"
Norman was standing and so was I but it was just me who was shivering on the inside.

What exactly did Neil do that Norman is holding the phone so tightly that he might break it.
May be he's waiting for the Commander to cut the call and then break his phone.

Whatever breaks today, I hope it's not me. I'm not in a state to get mended.

"Yes sir."

Yes sir what?
Yes sir I'll screw him more?
Yes sir I'll kick him out of CCTC?
Yes sir I'll bring him to your office?
Yes sir I'll break his bones and make him sign?
Yes sir what?!

"Right sir. I'll send him rightaway."

I'll send him? Where?
God where am I going now?
Which hell?

Norman kept his receiver down and looked at me with fire in his eyes.
"What did you tell him?"
Tell whom?

"The Commander? Nothing sir. I didn't even meet-"
"Then how the hell did he come to know about your sleeping hours?"
He blasted on me.

Neil went and told this to the commander?!
Is he out of his mind?

"I.. I don't know, sir."
I lied as innocently as I can.

"I'll see to it later. For now, go and report at the med care. You'll get further instructions there."

"Yes sir."
I say as I salute him and turn around.

Did Neil do all this?
He really turned each of his words true.

I entered the med care to find an officer there.
Major Richard Marks.

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