38. Integrations

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Trigger warning - Torture scene ahead.
You can skip this chapter if you don't want to read about someone going through physical pain.


My teeth clattered against one another as I screamed out in pain again when another jolt of electricity passed from my head to toe.
My body was dipped in ice cold water waist below and whatever remained of my bare skin was driven back by high speed chilling fans for more than last four hours.

It would have been better if my weight was on my feet and not on my wrist tied tightly with a rope and hung on a bar.
I don't know which one is better - this or the upside down hanging in water up till chest like last time.

"What's the code?!!"
Neil shouted loudly in my ear that was ringing already.

I was miserable to begin with, and was probably going to end in pathetic.

"I don't know!"
I cried out as he passed another jolt that had my nerves burning. Though I knew it won't have a permanent damage but the amount of pain made me believe that I won't be walking on two feet if I don't tell him the code right away.

"Liar. Liar! You know the code to the vaults and I know it!"
He screamed on my face again.
Too bad I could only hear him, courtesy the blindfold.

I shrieked as I felt a chunk of muscle being pulled away from my waist with such force that my whole body swayed in that direction.

"Give me the code and you'll be free."
His words were warm.

I thought of choosing his freedom over his torture.
Based on the number of welts and amount of blood I've already lost in last few hours, he's going to rip the code out of my tongue anyhow in the remaining time. There's no point suffering when I'm going to give up.

His 'give up within five minutes' was ringing on repeat in my ears. Good thing they didn't let Neil take my first Interrogation session. Now I know why I survived that one. Atleast I could come up for air and drown myself back down.

"I don't know any code."
I cried out when he pinched my skin tighter.

"You know it damn well. You know that commander's dossier is kept inside. You can try and lie all you want. But you're going to tell me. It's upto you whether you want to do it before I bring pain to every fibre of your body, or after that."
He said really annoyed.

"I'm still waiting! Open your damn mouth!"
He screamed again and I almost lost it.

I felt pointy welts on my stretched abs and it hurt more than it should. I wanted it to stop raining but he kept going.

He didn't give me a single moment to get myself together. He kept breaking me every passing second.

"This is my last warning, boy. You give me the code now, or you're going to go through so much pain you had never imagined."
He warned me.

I stayed shut despite knowing something brutal was coming my way. He won't give up before six hours are up. And I had almost one more hour to go.
It took everything in me to not open my mouth. But the moment Neil followed through his warning, I regretted staying mumb.

It felt like fire and tear together - like my whole body was being sliced into pieces slowly and painfully by a red hot knife.
I groaned loudly in pain.

Fucker had passed high currents through my body. And he was in no mood to give me a break.

It felt like hours when he stopped and I breathed in relief.

"You don't think it's over, do you?"
He asked sarcastically before turning the switch back on and I cried even louder.

"Are you ready to talk?"
He asked in a low tone while I lived the most agonising moments of my life.
"I am... I'm ready.... Just stop!"
I cried out loud.

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