39. First Mission

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"From today, you are allowed to use Class-I agent before your name."
General Warren said proudly signing me as an agent officially - on papers.

"Congratulations boy. You did it!"
He stood up and shook my hand firmly.
Can't say that didn't feel great, but it wasn't as surreal as being selected for the training after clearing the trials. Nothing beats that feeling!

"Thank you for the esteemed support, sir."
I replied formally.

"You won't be thanking me a lot, son."
He scoffed and I gulped.
What was he going to do next?

"You and your team are going for a Class-I mission."
He said getting serious.

"HQ officials still haven't gotten over their insult. They will be keeping an eye on all of you - specially you. So you need to be careful and come back intact."
He whispered the last part.

Damnit my training just got over and they were ready to fry me in boiling oil!
Though I was really excited for my first mission, the pressure was just too much!

"Mission is in two days. You and your team will be briefed soon."
He said, I saluted him and left.

I reached mess to find everyone kicking Major Marks fallen on the floor while he covered his head with his hands.

"What the hell?"
I shouted and all of them stopped and turned to me. Only then I saw a wide grin on all their faces, including Marks.

"Have you all gone insane, or am I hallucinating? You're beating him and he's laughing?"
I jerked my head.

"We're kicking the evil eyes from him."
Neil answered.

"That's a new one. Why does he have evil eyes on him in the first place?"
I questioned still suspicious.

"Tell him the good news, sir."
Blundell said in a teasing tone.

Marks was lying on his back. He rolled sideways to prop up on his elbows.
He had big fucking smile on his lips.

I raised my eyebrows running out of patience.
"I'm going to be a father."
He grunted happily.

"Shut up! Sarah's pregnant?! You just got married two months back!"
I screamed.
It was such a great news I wanted to punch somewhere!

That's exactly why he was getting beaten.

"Can I kick him too?"
I asked the guys with rising adrenaline.

"Join us!"
Kelly shouted and they all started kicking him again. I rushed and placed few packed ones on his waist. It would sting but won't do any serious damage.

"Stop it!"
Marks kept pleading.

When we all were done, we stepped back.
He turned around to face all of us from the ground.

"I swear another kick and my child would never see my face!"
He said breathing heavily.

We all laughed. Nelson pulled him up.
"Drinks on me."
He said grunting.

"Ofcourse it's on you. What's the need to inform?"
Neil said in no shit tone.
Damn. He stings.

But Marks was gleaming in happiness. And why wouldn't he?
He had taken a short leave to officially propose Sarah. Things turned out so well that they got married ten days later. None of us could attend his marriage at such short notice. Commander extended his leave as a gift. I just heard that he returned this morning only to find him being kicked.
Lucky ass.

"Too quick huh?"
I elbowed him whispering on the way to Bar.

"Had to. Who knows when I'll see her next. Your boss bitch will take us to missions and get us screwed, I can't take risk."
He winked and I laughed my ass off.
Good strategy.

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