36. Denied

911 49 105

"So what now?"
Neil asked me crossing his usual limits of alcohol.
Not the same question!

I replied as seriously as I did the last time.

"You get married, make lot of babies, huh?"
He said laughing at his own move.
But someone was in a good mood.

"The last time you said this thing, I did something crazy you yourself punished me for. You want me to do that again?"
I said while he continued laughing.

"Only if you want to get grounded for a week this time."
He said pulling my leg if any of it was left.

"Come on!"
I whined my body still aching since Charles let out all his anger on me. I literally fell at his feet and apologised. I'm never leaving CCTC without permission, ever. Even if I become the Commander one day.

"Then stop crying and answer the question."
He said getting little serious.

"Make a lot of babies? While being grounded? Yeah sure."
This time he laughed his ass off.

I controlled for a few moments and then joined him.

Getting our shit together, we talked like adults.

I was about to ask him why was he so interested to hear my answer. But thankfully my tongue held back when I realised that he can't have it for himself and may be he's trying to be happy for the future through me. Why me? Because apparently he is so casual just with me.
Fucker told me to be independent. But look at him - clinging on me like a three year old.

I really wonder how I'm going to date Merlen with this kid around me all the time.

"What was that?"
He looked at me with pointing eyes.

"My many babies. I was having a conversation with them. How they're so unlucky to get an uncle like you."
I said with conviction hoping that he didn't hear what I was thinking.

"You don't keep them against me!"
Neil said seriously and I had to hold back a laughter.
God he's such a p*ssy himself when it comes to kids.

"My girls won't like you."
I said getting on his nerves.

"You are right. They'll love me, more than you."
He said proudly.

Well that's no lie.
Not just my girls - but any.
He was such a gentleman I felt jealous of him sometimes. How could he be such an asshole and so respectful in the same body?

I guess that's why Lauret was head over heels for him. He called her 'ma'am' and treated her like a queen without any second word.

I wouldn't believe if he ever said that he has never been laid. Women die for men like him and dumbass runs away from them.

"Yeah. You'll steal them from me."
I said and he chuckled.

"But I know your boy will hate you."
He said and it was my turn to get offended.

"Excuse me? He'll be a daddy's boy."
I challenged him.

"With that attitude? Never."
He said pointing at me.

"Shut up. He'll love me. We'll be like best friends."
I said laughing at myself.
God the alcohol was really getting to our heads tonight.

"And I'll have grandchildren. Absolutely."
He said laughing.
I threw an ice cube at his face knowing it will never hit him.
But why not take it out on the poor water?

"James Dwight!"
A male voice came beaming and echoing.
That was Norman.

"Help me."
I begged Neil.

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