30. First Site

884 47 52

Luckily my speed wasn't too much otherwise the guy I hit would have had quite a flight before landing.

Or may be not a guy...


I couldn't resist those eyes.
Those dark brown depths were looking directly into my soul.

Her cheeks turned red and she turned around to run away. I could see she was hiding her smile.

"Hey miss!"
I called her again. Louder this time.

She stopped but didn't turn back.
I walked up to her and stood in front of her.

"I'm really sorry I didn't see you."
She looked up with thick eyelashes hooding her eyes.
There was a devious smile on her face. It was irking me because she thought I hit her intentionally which was not true. I was glad that it happened, but it wasn't true. And I don't know why I was hellbent on talking it out with her.

She nodded a yes as an acceptance to my apology but continued smirking.

Comeon! Say something!
Suddenly the only thing I wanted at that moment was to hear her voice.
Realising that she was not going to speak up herself, I decided to take the matter in my own hands.

"I'm Ja...."
Some sense kicked into my brain not to give away my identity. But it disappeared as soon as it came. I was about to blurt out my complete name like a six year old.

Her voice sounded like a melody and her laughter following that was a music I never wanted to stop listening to.
I felt like I'm ready to make a fool of myself just to make this woman laugh.

"That sounds good. Call me J."
"Okay J. Next time you walk on the streets, please let others own them too."
She punched me with her words.
Sassy! I fucking like that!

"I'll name every street after you, if you let me."
She raised her eyebrows.

"Smoothest anyone ever asked my name."
She sounded amused and I felt proud.

"Yet again, that was not my intention. But a name would help me remember this street for lifetime."
This came right out of my heart.

She said after a short tense pause.

I repeated after her just to feel how did it sound. It sounded lovely even in my hoarse broken croaky voice.

I repeated in a deeper voice.

"Why are you saying my name again and again?"
"You have any idea how beautiful your name is?"
I asked her genuinely.

Her face was red now.
"Is this your reserved statement or I'm the first one you're trying this with?"
She laughed defending herself from my attempts to get in her space.

"If you don't like it, I'll put a mirror in front of you and say 'Merlen' from behind it. You'll know that I'm not lying."
I said in a voice I never knew I had.

She looked at me with a serious look on her face. Like she was starting to believe me involuntarily.

And I felt on top of the world.
When did I become like this?
Who even is she?
What if she is an agent?
What are you fucking doing James? Get your shit together!

My face must have given away what was holding me back because she composed herself too.

"Nice meeting you, Mr.... J."
She said and started walking away.

I waited for a few moments, trying to hold myself back. It took everything in me but I couldn't do anymore.
I called her out afraid that I'll never see her again if I don't open my mouth right now.

Barbed Lives ☑️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ