35. Confrontations

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There was no going back now.
I'm not letting her go.
And there's definitely no breaking her heart.
I stood up and walked out determined.

"Make it worth a memory!"
Neil shouted while I took off running.


I ran till I saw her. My steps slowed down and I walked till I stood right behind her.
It's been four days since I sat like a scared puppy, hiding from her.
Fucking sissy.

She turned around and gasped at my sudden presence. But what I was not prepared for was a punch to my nose.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, J!"
She comforted me while I held my nose tightly.

She punched my nose in reflex!
Now that's my girl!

I smiled and cupped her face in my hands.
"You, Doctor Merlen!" I said seriously.
"hmm?" she pouted, with her eyebrows raised.

I used the correct way to call her now that I knew all about her. She was a medical student, cutting cadavers and injecting medicines into veins day in day out. I was surprised that her gentle hands could punch so hard. And then shake in fear? Doctors are a different breed I tell you!

"You ready to be my girl and punch me just like that for the rest of my life?"
She froze. Her hands slowly slipped up and cupped my hands tightly as if i'll disappear anytime.

Her eyes were starting to water.
"I love you. Like crazy."
I whispered and her dam broke.

"I thought you'll never come back. I thought you didn't want me anymore. I thought you ran away."
She said crying with her eyes closed.

"Fuck me if I run away from you ever again. But that's not the answer. Tell me- will you?"
I asked her again.
Our foreheads touched as I waited for her answer.

"Punch your pretty liar face everyday? Yes."
She laughed with a running nose.

That's it.
I crushed my lips against hers and she didn't hold back.
Clutching my hair tight she kissed me back more furiously.

I lost everything that was on my mind.
All worries of the future, risk to my life, fear of leaving her alone - one kiss kicked every doubt out of my mind.
I'm keeping her for the rest of my life and that's fucking final!

She wasn't ready to end the kiss and I didn't complain until she moved back for air.

She laughed that laughter.
That's the sound that warmed my heart every freaking time.

"I have a doubt."
She said as I gripped her in a tight hug.
Oh she felt so good.

I asked rubbing my nose in her hair.

"How can I fuck you if you run away?"
She asked innocently.

"You are an evil one, aren't you?"
She giggled against my chest. Oh I wanted her to just stay like that. Then suddenly I realised why I missed her so much.

I held her shoulders and pulled her away from me.
"You must really hate my ass, right?"
She laughed loudly at my words.

"Because it's going to be on fire, soon? Yes. Absolutely!"
She continued laughing.

"Took you three days to find out about my brother after me giving you a hint. Either my brother is too good, or you guys are too bad."
She said making me hitch my breath.

"If you're going to put it this way to him, be assured this is our last meeting. I'll be kicked out of CCTC and Neil is going to slice my neck. If your brother spares my body in single piece that is."

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