33. You What?

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"Hey Merlen!"
I called her out when she was at my arm's distance. We have been out every other evening and the amount of sweat I had to shed in front of Charles to burn the ice-cream calories was terrifying. If only she knew how much it hurts to gulp the sweet poison, she'd change over to protein shakes.

"I'm right here!"
She complained as I handed over her chocolate ice-cream.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love -"
"calling me by my name? Yes. And everytime you do that, you say it again!"
She said annoyed. She was just faking it, I knew she loved it everytime I did that.

"Don't you like when I call you Merlen?"
I used my most romantic tone and her eyebrows went up in amusement.

"If you call me in that tone, I'll not complain."
She replied and both of us laughed.

I heard the cough again. But this time, it wasn't just Neil's. A woman coughed at just the same time.

I turned around to find Neil burring holes through his eyes, into the skull of a girl standing between us and him.
Even he couldn't believe the exact same timing of their interruption.

She whisper called my girl with wide eyes.

"Oh damn!"
Merlen ran and stood next to her.

"This is my friend, Lauret."
She said introducing me to her side kick.

She replied meekly.

"Hey pretty one. I'm James. And that's my girl standing next to you."
I winked at her and Merlen laughed loudly.

"You're J. Stupid stupid J."
She snorted and came and stood next to me.

"That's my friend Neil behind you."
I introduced her to my side kick who stood frozen.
His eyes were still stuck at her head.

Lauret turned around to realise that he was looking at her without a blink.

"Umm.. Hey.. Neil..."
She whispered hesitantly.
Neil did not say anything.
He just stood quiet, with his eyes fixed at her face.
Suddenly he whispered "Pure" and started looking at her intently.

I kicked him out of his stare trance.
That really worked because he jerked his head hard and closed his eyes for a few seconds before getting sober.

He composed himself and stood straighter.
"Good evening, Lady Lauret."
He said in his heavy but shaking voice. A smile was creeping up his lips that he tried to fight.

Both of them didn't move for few moments. They kept looking at each other.

No way!

I turned to look at Merlen who looked back at me. There was a glitter of laughter on our faces.

Merlen coughed loudly into her fist and I laughed loudly.
That's my girl!
Payback packed and parcelled right.

Neil looked at me angrily and then at Merlen who was grinning ear to ear.
Neil tried to make his face unreadable but still couldn't hide the pissed off expression while looking at my 'lady'.

Merlen left no chance to roast him everytime both of them met. He'd stay shut and take all her shit because he can't 'answer back to a lady'.
Nobody knows how much I get beaten up the same night in gym.

"Can you give Lauret company for sometime, Neil? She's a nurse, I'm sure she can help you with your occasional coughs. Meanwhile J and I will have a short walk. Thanks."
Merlen said using all the authority she knew.

"Yes ma'am."
Neil said with clenched teeth but red face.

I was loving this.
Though I knew I was going to pay for this prank of hers, but I was fucking loving this!

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