19. Bond

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"Come on, hurry up."
I can't hurry up when all I see is stars!

Fucking hell!
Stop punching my face!

As if hearing me, I get a tight punch on my abs that pushes the breath out of me!
I cry out in pain and reflexively try to pull my hands and cover myself.

But damn it!
That's the whole point!
Untie those fucking hands!
Untie that fucking knot!

Another one on my guts.
If it keeps raining like this, I'll have to go on liquid diet for weeks straight.

Come on James!

"Stop panicking first. You'll make the knot tighter."
Neil scolded standing behind me.
I tried to calm down despite Charles raining back to back punches on my abs.

"Look for the free end."
He guided and I frantically started touching everywhere.

"Calm down. You can take this pain for hours straight. Don't try to escape these punches. Learn to act in hard times."
Neil's voice had a sterner end to it.

I nodded slightly despite being blindfolded.
I could see nothing.
I had to rely on my other heightened senses.

Right now, touch has to do it.
I moved the pulp of my index and middle finger over every loop of the damn huge rope tied over my wrists.

Once I found it, I hear "Good. Now trace it back. The knot must be on the other end."
I did as told and reach the knot.

"Wiggle your index under the outermost loop and try to reach the centre of the knot."
My wrists were hurting just as bad as my abs and the effort I had to put in to insert my index finger into the knot was indescribable. There was hardly any scope for movement.

Neil couldn't have gone easy on me for the first ever 'Escape rope bondage' lesson. On top of it, he had to bring in Charles!

I loosened each loop till I reached the innermost loop and tried to hook my finger in. As soon as I wiggled it in, the knot started coming off.

I few more twists and it was loose enough for me to get one hand out.
With one hand free, I brought it to the front and held Charles's wrist tight.
He paused right there, must have been stunned.
Soon my other hand was in the front with the loose rope over my wrist and I punched with all my strength.

I knew it hit hard because my Knuckles hurt and Charles groaned. He never saw that coming.
Getting a momentary break, I took the blindfold off and was awarded by a painful hit of bright light.

It took me a few moments to get adjusted.
"You're wasting time! Get on it!"
Neil shouted from behind.
I looked down and tried to free my ankles that were bound in a similar fashion.

With my eyes helping to find the free end and my hands free to wiggle into the knot easily, I took four seconds to untie this one.

Now all four of my limbs were free and I stood up in defensive stance.
Charles got over the pain I gifted him and turned back to see me ready to face him.

"That was quick!"
He said impressed.

Neil patted on my shoulder.
"For first time, yes. But there's a lot of scope for improvement. Come, next session after dinner."
He said leaving.

"I'm not hungry, thanks."
I lied.
"Fine. Instructor Charles will not target your abs. Just your face. Come now."
Neil said seeing through me.

My face.

We came back to IR after dinner and Neil picked up the rope again.
This time instead of tying me up directly, he went one step behind in his lessons.

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