Author's Notes

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Well hello! 😁
I'm really happy to reach this point in this book and I can't believe myself as I say that I have published TWO COMPLETE BOOKS on wattpad! Like really? I did that?

A HUGE thanks you to all of you for being so patient despite me being AWL so often. I hated it as much as you did but I'm so glad that none of you came at me! You guys supported me in every way possible and frankly that's the only thing that kept me going. I wanted to give this book to you in the best form I could and I think I did a fair job and justice to all my characters specially Neil. I love how you all accepted him the way James did.

I really need to thank thebookaliciousmess
This person was ALWAYS available for a healthy critic and discussion and helped me out of Writer's block so many times! I can't thank you enough. 😊😊

Now coming to the book.
There are a few things that I, as a reader, loved in this book.

* The WHOLE book is from one person's pov. But there wasn't a single MC. It was both James and Neil. The whole book is about both of them

* How both my men NEEDED love and loyal friendship in their lives but were not ready to accept it for so long.

* How they kept their unsaid promise of keeping their friendship above everything come what may.

* How the ladies turned them into better humans DESPITE not being there with them all the time.

* How someone can judge you so easily until they know every last bit of information about you and stand in your shoes. Then the equation turns completely different.

* My boys NickNWills starting off strong from the beginning. I'd die to have a brotherly bond like theirs.

* James having an absolutely normal family life with one of his sons being overly thankful for his greatness and the other one giving two for one instantly 😁

* Wills having gone through so much before meeting Nick and James and using his pain to keep Nick in the right zone.

* Ethan as Neil and Lauret's son will always have my ❤️

* Everything that did not make sense in my first book 50PM made absolute sense after this one.

* Anything you would like you add to the list? Comment here and let me know your thoughts too 😊

Now about the future.
* Drumrolls *

And yes I've written almost 50 snippets about different timelines. (Sorry I can't post them right away 😄)

I have a broad layout of how each character develops further, who they meet and how things turn out after.
I've specifically focused on the love lives of these people because I feel that they need someone now after having gone through so much already.
(That's where the cliché part comes in.)

But what you all are NOT ready for is the 🔥😎

I know all my books so far have absolutely zero sexual content. But that's because the story and the characters had an individual purpose in their lives and that was NOT sex.

BUT NOW I have a full blown smut ready for literally all of them.
Whatever I have written / planned so far - is decent, loving, beautiful and no where cheap (saying this as a reader I am).
I wanted your opinion on this particular topic. Would you guys like to read about the smut and personal lives of my characters? If yes, which character are you most interested to read about? 😉

If your answer is 'no I hate smut' - I understand and respect that too.

I have not yet decided whether I'll include this part in my next book but if I do, it will be a frequent affair (because come on there are SO MANY characters!)

Having said that, I'll make one important announcement for all my sweet sweet readers!
When and how - you'll have to wait.

I have tried to focus on individual character and their emotions and feelings towards themselves and their loved ones. The training part will definitely take a back seat but it will be there. So if my characters have inspired you to be physically fit, they'll continue to do so. In fact you'll be able to relate to them better now because you'll see how they're as ordinary and as much Self-conflicting as you are in your real lives.

Another important announcement -
* Drumrolls *
I will often post small snippets or chapters in this book so that the fire keeps going 😉
I know I know. I love you guys too. 😄

Coming to the last and most important part - WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT TO READ HERE ONWARDS?
What do you expect from the next book/books?
Which character you'd like to see more of?
Whose POV you'd like to read more from?
What scenarios / imaginations you'd like to see turning true in the future?
Let me know it all.

Meanwhile I'll finish the birthday series in WPWW. I know it has been dragged toooo far 😁

Lastly - thanks to all my readers again. I love you guys! I really hope I keep up with your expectations.

See you again soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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