46. Understandings

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"Captain Daniel Winger, reporting for trial, sir."
Dan came and stood in front of us as we finished our team session.

We've been on three major Missions with nearly all the team members. Neil let me lead and as per him and Charles, I did a decent job. Others were my fans now because I wasn't as cocky as Neil on the earphones. It was funny none of them had the guts to say this in front of him.

We were all tired thanks to Charles and I was in no mood to see Dan getting screwed in front of me.

I stood silently waiting for Neil to give him a task that'll make him hush away. But I wasn't ready for what happened next.

Everyone except Neil started walking away. I was about to leave too when he called my name.
I paused and looked at him confused.

"He's your boy for next two hours. Smoke him."
Neil ordered me.

"But I-"
I was stuck with thunder.
Why the fuck was he putting me in that situation?

"I don't think there's an option. I'll be taking him for laps in the pool. If he lasts twenty, I'll call you next."
Neil you brain fucker!

He turned to Dan who went straight.
"And if you don't last thirty, I'm going to kill you."
He whispered the last part dangerously and left.

I just looked at his retreating back hoping he'll turn around and say that he was joking.

"He's not taking it back."
Dan brought me to my senses.

"Dan, I.. I don't want to do this. We're -"
"Am I worth risking your bonding with him? I don't think so."
He said bang on.

I had all the rights to screw him then and there for interrupting me. But I was already high on guilt. And he made sense.

Damn it's even more difficult to roger him when he's acting so sensible!
"Alright. Crunches."
I just blurted whatever came to my mind.

He scoffed as he got on the floor and started.
"What's so funny?"
I was irked. Here I was holding myself back and there he was getting on my nerves.

"That's not how you smoke someone. You, of all men, know this from each of your fibre."
He was smiling knowing my mind was already fucked up. He was grunting the same time. I guess he was in a pretty bad shape already.

"Look Captain Daniel Winger. I never hated you. I respect you and I'm sorry for all that you had to face because of me. I agree you've been on the unfair end but I never wanted that to happen. I always did and still want it to be fair for both of us. It's just... I don't know how to put it in words.. Neil is just using me to break you using your ego and I don't want that to happen. I... Ah.. Screw this!"
I just rubbed my hand over my head.
This was too much to say as it is.

"Permission to-"
He started speaking but I couldn't let him finish.
Fucker was rubbing salt on my wounds.

"Whatever happened, happened. You are where you wanted to be, and I am where I wanted to be. You just reached a little earlier. I'm glad we were together to kick each other up. It's no lie that I'll hate you throughout my life and none of your apologies can change that. After Beta's trick, I can not even think of being friends with you. And I warn you today that I'll be unfair with you if ever I get a chance. So shove that apology and pity up your ass and do what you've been told. I don't want to hear a lecture from Major Neil about me alluring you into not hurting your batchmate. As such he's a big pain in my ass."
He said in one go and I'm sure he has been ready with this answer for a long time.

This confrontation was needed.
I laughed relieved .
"Thanks for making it easy for me, Dan. I'll give you enough reason to hate me. Turn around. Get on all four. Let me teach you something I learnt here."
He groaned loudly getting into the pushup position.

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