51. That's It.

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Neil sat on the seat opposite of mine as we waited for the meeting to get over.
It felt like hours have already passed while my watch showed only 10 minutes. There is no way this statement taking is going to end soon, considering the 'crime' Neil has committed and to find the suitable punishment for his offence. Because of him, Zahra was dead, Charles underwent three more surgeries and has not gained consciousness yet, the whole mission was a failure and General Warren is probably going to be thrown out of CCTC once HQ knows about what happened.

I didn't even look up to see who came to offer me a glass of water, I just nodded a no.
He left and Neil scoffed.

I looked at him who was looking at a small piece of paper in his hand.

"Are you crazy?"
I asked him stunned at how unbelievably calm he was while there was a storm going on inside me.

"Ah. I'll be free."
He said jingling the little chit in his hand.

Angrily I got up and snatched the paper from his hand and looked at it.
Two words laughed back at me.
'Court Martial.'

I looked around to see when and how did he get the paper. It struck me suddenly that a guy came to offer us water. Fucking hell I didn't even look up to see who it was.
Pretty smooth, Neil.

What was this paper, you'll ask me.
It came from inside the hall I'm dying to barge in, but not allowed to.
It said that based on the statements that our team members are writing, what will be Neil's disposal. And this note did not make me feel good.

His birds are so fucking talented. It happened right under Commander's nose inside and my nose outside and none of us got a clue.

"They're throwing you out."
I whispered to myself. The bugger knew it better than me.

"Yep. Might finish me with the snap of finger too."
He said still calm.

"Do you know that captivity after dismissal in your case is guaranteed? And based on their anger, you'll be spending atleast 10 years in jail! The insane ones will definitely pass an order to put a bullet in your head before you even begin your imprisonment!"
I hushed.

"Yeah. I'll be free."
He repeated.

"You retard!"
I raised my voice.

"Mind your tongue, would you?"
His tone was threatening.

"For what? To see you getting jailed? Or to see you getting killed? Heck no. You are a retard to have done all this! And you still haven't told me why you did that!"

"Does it matter? They won't ask me why I did. Even if they do, it was solely my personal agenda. They won't even consider it while taking their decision. So let it stay with me. Don't get your hands dirty."

"Don't you tell me what to do! You've done enough!"
I walked away from him in anger.
I barely reached the other end of the room when the door to conference hall opened.

Our boys rushed out and walked out straight without giving us any glance while I waited for the way to clear so that I can enter.

Just before I could enter, the door was shut again and the conference light turned red. I looked at Neil in confusion.
If everyone had left, why is commander not letting anyone enter?

"Daniel." Neil said and I realised that he was nowhere in the crowd. He was still inside. There's no way in Hell that Commander would think anything other than ruining Neil's life if Dan is talking to him all alone.

Ever since we came back, Dan has been passing glares at Neil. I heard the he spoke things I would never let him finish without breaking his nose. Saying that Neil has been disloyal to the forces - I can't wait to get my hands on his neck.

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