45. A Star Is Born

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Three years later-

Merlen and I were holding hands right before we kissed in the church. Yes that was our marriage photograph. One photo that brought so many memories everytime I looked at it.


"I can't believe it's happening."
I whispered as I took Merlen's hands in my hands.
I was a nervous wreck and she saw right through me.

"Believe it or not, you know you can't escape now."
She giggled and I laughed.
She was the same sassy woman I met on Day 1.

She looked so beautiful in that white dress.
I couldn't believe that we were finally at the church and getting married.

Felt like just yesterday and centuries both at once! It's like I knew her all my life but we just met.

I wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked, how much I loved her, how everything was too good to be real. But I couldn't find the words. She had managed with just my expressions that day.

"Calm down, J. You're going to pop a nerve"
She said as soon as she realised my palms were sweaty.

"Yeah. Okay."
I laughed nervously. Her words helped me get myself together.
Not my fault that one thing that I was shit scared to fail at - turned out to be so beautiful.

And the kiss that followed made me fall for her all over again.
"I love you pebble head. Like crazy."
She hit me upside my head.

I only chuckled and nodded in agreement. She always used my own words when I got nothing to say.
Damn it's so frustrating when you have so much to tell but can't.

My stars aligned so perfectly that everything fell into place. Merlen completed her medical studies by the time I settled as a reputed Class-I agent at CCTC. Staying in the same city helped us grow together and know each other more. Norman was giving me tough times everytime he'd visit. Not that I wasn't expecting, or that I could complain. But he was a great human - surprise! Look at him all smiles while I kissed her sister in front of everyone.


The next photo brought a bigger smile on my lips. It was the family photo including our blood relations and acquired ones.

Our families were there to bless us with huge smiles. My team with all my best men stood at one end gleaming. Lauret could come only for a few hours and had to leave as soon as we exchanged rings. Lot of hearts broke as soon as she left - My girl's, mine, and well... Neil was that kid who got a balloon but lost it as soon as he turned around. He didn't get enough time to talk to her. Just a few words. He tried to keep a smile that I knew wasn't that genuine. It took him some time but he was back to being the asshole we all knew.


"I love it when you take that walk down the memory lane."
Merlen said hugging me from behind.

"I can't get enough of it"
I said smiling.

"Me too." She said as I turned around and bent down to kiss her.

That little demon interrupts us everytime we're about to make a move.

"I need to get a cage for him."
I murmured earning a tight slap on my hand.

"Shut up! He's your son!"
She scolded me.

"I know that hon. I'm just joking."
I said as I sit down on my knees just before 2 year old Nick slammed into me.

"I wonder how he started walking slowly. He's a missile now!"
I laughed at his speed.

"Need not wonder. You didn't miss much. He never learnt to walk. He started running directly. I guess I gave birth to a mouse."
Merlen said sitting down and ruffling his hair.

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