009: A homeless blob

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"that's not how it works", you snort.

you're in a heated debate with Quackity whether or not one should be excused from certain classes. and his arguments so far have been unbelievably irrelevant and stupid. how is this boy studying to become a lawyer?

"yes it is, you see-", he tries to argue back but is interrupted by a new voice.

"Alex, I think that's enough", another male voice says. at this point, who is surprised? Karl has no female friends.

you could honestly not be less disappointed when you finally tie the voice together with a well-known streamer, or he's technically a Youtuber now but that's whatever.

dream. the head of the Dream SMP. also your object of hatred at the moment. you can't really tell why, you just despise the man's guts.

"DREAM!", Karl shrieks in excitement. you roll your eyes at this but then smile. the other girls smile too, except Minx who looks to be on a killing spree. as usual, then.

"this is the most important question you'll answer during this whole show, do you follow all my accounts?"

your face lights up with pure joy. this is the moment you've been waiting for. oh, the sweet sweet feeling of success. you can see your eyes glimmer mischievously in the top right corner of your screen. eager to out your feelings towards this faceless green blob of a man, you speak up.

"I'll go first", you say, your voice dripping with faked sweetness. 'like a honey trap' you think to yourself while smiling cutely into your camera.

"I actually am not subbed to you and have in fact had you blocked on every social platform I have, on all of your accounts'', you, therefore, state, feeling proud of yourself.

the sweet innocent smile has gradually turned into an evil, yet genuinely happy, grin.

it's quiet for a second, you see Karl sitting with his mouth open in shock, his face twitching from a happily surprised one to an "I can't believe this just happened, I'm terrified of what'll happen next" kind of face. and you should know, you've seen plenty of those.

you are almost certain he's just keeping you for clout at this point, you are really not compatible as a couple.

Minx finally breaks the silence by cackling loudly, although nothing more than two seconds could have passed. she's struggling to breathe the same way Dream seems to be struggling to speak. you smile slightly, amused with his chock.

staying quiet, you let a more serious face replace the smile. you still want to hear what he has to say about it, so you need to show that you meant it.

"HA SUCK ON THAT GREEN BOY", you hear Tommy shout in his British accent. 'wow he's really taking after Wilbur you think, stunned for a second.

you let out a huff of air, a sound somewhere between a laugh and a snort. you haven't even heard what the man himself has to say about your confession, but you're already amused with how things are progressing.

"why would you do that?", he finally says, the pouting visible through his voice. what a baby.

"oh, that's simple. I. don't. like. you.", you say, the smile popping back onto your face as you finish the last word. it's all a joke of course, but it's really funny to see everyone's reactions nonetheless. 

Minx is smiling, visibly happy with your words, Karl is overly hyped and everyone else seems chocked except Tommy who's laughing his ass off.

"well that sure was fun, and a lot of content, but Mr. Dream, please start giving the girls your questions", Austin once again interrupts one of your very funny and off-topic conversations.

you realize that you haven't talked much with Karl, more with his friends. you feel a slight flush on your cheeks as you make an embarrassed face, knowing that the others will misunderstand that as you react to Austin's words.

"alright, well what do you all value in relationships", Dream smugly asks. 'real smooth green boy'.

"how about... Y/n goes first", oh, you can definitely see how he's planning this. 'game on you fucker', you curse as you perk up.

"hmm, well I guess communication is key. and I'm a big fan of silence as well as cuddles. I don't think I could survive a real relationship that doesn't include cuddles", you truthfully state. then you continue as something else comes to mind.

"also it'd be positive if he or she or them was a gamer like me, that'd make us understand each other more".

you smile as you're done, rather happy with your answer. most people's faces have turned serious and their heads nod in agreement, while some of one or two of the girls are smiling, one who you so far think is an uwu one.

"well, I agree with y/n, although I don't like silence very much. it gets awkward too easily", a girl you remember as Amy says. you smile brightly at her, tugging the hem of your shirt.

as the question goes around you think of ways to get back at Dream when your phone buzzes. didn't you put it on silent?

you look over to see a Twitter notification;
"Technothepig has sent an invite to message. They won't see your reply until you press accept" 

you furrow your brows in confusion, quickly looking up at the screen before looking back down at your phone. you then pull off a crooked smile before accepting and shutting your phone down to go back to the show.

you can see what he wanted in the break between this round and the next.

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeWhere stories live. Discover now