022: Friday

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looking back, you realize that perhaps asking your mother if you even were allowed to go to San Fran would've been good. lucky for you, it's not too late to ask her yet, so you get out of your chair and walk towards your bedroom door. with your hand on the knob, you take a inhale and exhale deeply before opening the door and walking down the stairs. she's not in the living room, so you keep walking towards the kitchen.

the smell of freshly baked cookies hits you in the face and you forget all about what you came in here for. "oh, they smell delicious" you sigh look longingly at the cookies on the counter.

"nuh-uh. no cookies until tonight" your mother tells you, not looking up from the sink. she's covered in bubbles and dishwater up all the way to her elbows. you look at her hands for a bit, distracted by the movement. then you remember what you came here for.

"right. I was going to ask you if I could go to San Fransisco tomorrow?" you've already made sure there's room on the plane you wanna catch. your mother stops washing the dishes for a second, frozen in time. then she continues as if nothing happened.

"sure," she says, no emotion in her voice. you look at her, still nervous. was it for real? she had to have some sort of condition for you to go. and why did you have to be right?

"if," she says, emphasizing the word. "you tell me who it is you're seeing, and how long you'll be there. you also have to clean your room before going" this is why you should've moved out earlier. it's like Tartaros living under the same roof as her at times. but it's fine, you love your mother nonetheless.

"sure, I'm meeting up with Techno, and I'll stay until monday" you don't know if your mom will command for his real name or not, because if so, you're screwed. you haven't asked yet and he hasn't told you. but she hums out an 'ok' and you happily go back up into your room, grabbing a monster from the fridge.

you put the monster on your desk and fall down on your bed, face first. a sudden swing of tiredness had come over you and you didn't feel like gaming. you groan and sit up, your back resting against the wall. turning on your phone, you open Twitter and klick into your and Techno's conversation.


I can  officially go


I had to make sure my mom knew :)

aha, ok

so when's the plane arriving?

well it leaves at 9 am so about 11 am I think

can you check?


I was right, it arrives at 11.14

good, I'll be there to pick you up

how will I know who you are?

I'll figure something out. I'll text you when you get here

ok then

what was he planning? to wave a giant sign with your name on it? you'd die from the looks people would give you, and you guess he would too. you shudder and scroll through Twitter until a notification from Twitch shows up. 'Fundy is live! Roaming around the dream smp'. your face faintly lights up, and you click on the banner. the starting screen is still playing, so you go out of the app and go back on Twitter.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeWhere stories live. Discover now