016: Results

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you take a deep breath. everything's fine, absolutely fucking fine. yeah. it's not like Karl just told Austin who the winner of his love or host is. nope, no way. therefore, you have nothing to worry about. 'yay'.

you take exhale quickly, right after taking yet another deep breath. "ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the show, and of Karl's heart, is...", Austin says, going up an octave at the end. this shouldn't feel this nerve-racking. "y/n!" (lmao y'all really thought they were gonna lose, tbh so did I but let's not discuss that). you stare at your screen for a moment, your head not comprehending this information fast enough.

Minx doesn't look too surprised, just playfully offended. but holy Zeus, you won. you just won Karls love or host. this was gonna get you so many viewers if you played it right. "so Karl, are you ready to know what y/n chose?", Austin asks him.

ah, this part. you don't know if choosing love or choosing host would be better. letting your feelings come to show wasn't really something you were comfortable with, true to your social anxiety and awkwardness, your way with words and Karls friends, in the beginning, was pure luck. it's just one of those moments where nerves make you do shit.

"hey, don't you idiots wanna know what I chose before I leave?", Minx says, still angered.

"right, Minx chose... LOVE!", Austin seems surprised by this discovery, even though he must've already known. you smile softly at the camera, kind of sorry for Minx, but also for Karl. this must be very unpleasant for him to hear that she actually chose love.

the sound of Minx leaving the call is heard as her box disappears, leaving you and Karl alone in the zoom call. which is lowkey terrifying, now he has no one else to look at. splendid.

"so, Karl, are you ready to know what y/n chose?". Karl nods. damn, he's beautiful. "they chose... THEY CHOSE HOST", Austin then shouts. Karl looks at his screen, thunderstruck, but not in a good way. his mouth is slightly open, and he overall looks sad. the boys left in the call are screaming their lungs out.

you're not enjoying his gloomy face, but you don't know what to do to make it better either. "I'm sorry Karl, you're awesome and funny, but my feelings are totally platonic", you justify yourself. this was not where you thought this evening would be going.

"see Karl, you should never try attempting to find a replacement for me and Q, we're simply superior to everyone else. we're literally the best fiancées ever", Sapnap brags on. you know he's trying to help, but the tense feeling doesn't go away.

you still make an effort to smile, even though it's tight. this was not an ideal ending of your night.


you're in bed, still thinking about what happened earlier. "my feelings are totally platonic", gosh, you couldn't have sounded colder even if you wanted to. this friendship was gonna be real awkward for the beginning part. well, at least it would wear off. 'hopefully', a whisper doubts you. 'screw you all', you shoot back. these voices get ruder by the day and you are not living for it.

you flinch as your phone lights up with a notification. you groan and reach over to take it. "Twitter - technothepig has messaged you!" you perk up with sudden interest, the drowsy feeling you just had gone as if it was never even there.


see, you won and I was right

yeah, yeah you're awesome

and definitely psychic

never said I was but I won't say anything

hm. what are you doing up still?

i could say the same about you. why are you up? the show ended quite a while ago

overthinking. you never answered

editing a video

oh, so you're not just a twitch streamer then?

i don't think i can even be counted as that anymore, i hardly ever go live. well, on youtube but not on twitch as much.

woah, they must bully you pretty bad then huh?

no, not really


they're too scared to ever dare do that

okay, Tommy isn't, but Tommy's Tommy

he most definitely is

the chat goes silent. you don't really have anything to talk about from here. but you really don't want to stop, however late it is. this guy just makes you feel very at peace, which, for the record, not is very normal for you. at least not since, as your old psychologist liked to call it, your "traumatic childhood experience". you scoff at this memory.

the pigman doesn't write anything else so you decide to put your phone on silent and go to sleep. this has been a long 28 hours. geez, was it really that long since you last slept? you really needed to get a better sleep schedule.

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat