032: Hoping

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why did you think that? you shake your head and brush away the thought. it was probably nothing. he was the closest thing you had to a best friend, that's all. you decide to roll with that and move on with your day. or night. what time was it?

you check your phone. 11 am. hm. did you have breakfast yet? you think you did but you're not sure, but decide to wait until lunch to eat anyway since you're not hungry at all. you must've eaten then, right? this is why taking your meds was a bad idea, and yet you continued to take them every day.

you watch some small streamers, say hi in their chats, and donate them to help them out a bit, then walk downstairs to grab lunch. your mom is at work, per usual, but you still don't like the feeling of being all alone. 'i miss Techno' you mentally groan. it was so nice actually hanging out with someone, especially someone you liked and were a close friend. you reassure yourself by reminding yourself that you're going to see him again in just a few days, as well as a lot of other people you like. plus Tommy.

you decide to actually eat in the kitchen for once, instead of in your room, it was actually pretty nice. deciding to not use your phone while eating, your mind wanders to a lot of different places. one of them is the thought of finally moving out. was it time? you mean, you were 19 after all, but where would you move? would you even survive on your own take your lack of memory? probably not.

you're still deep in thought when your phone buzzes. you thankfully pick it up to look where the notification is from. 'Twitter: Technothepig has messaged you!' why didn't he just use regular text? why was he messaging you through Twitter? you open your phone, confused, the thoughts spinning around in your head, trying to wrap your mind around how he's reasoning.


hello. my phone died so I have made peace with using my computer to reach out to people



no, i meant like, why did you have to tell me this?

oh, well, i was going to text you when my phone died

ah, i see, i see
what were you going to text me?

right, so, you're on the smp now


so, you know, i thought to myself; 'technoblade, do you see what opportunities y/n joining the smp is opening?'
and i answered myself, 'no?'
and then i said, 'she could be your new right-hand man since Tommy betrayed you, again.'
and i was like, 'that's a pretty neat idea Technoblade'
and that is how i created a new plot with you taking down the government with me.

that's.. a lot Techno
where did you get all this from?

i don't know
i'm just too smart for these people
dream should hire me to make the script for the smp

yeah, totally

so are you up for it?

sure, sure. i'd love to murder people in cold blood with you
sounds like a lot of fun

i can't decide if you're being sarcastic or not. i need help

i'm being serious

what does that even mean?!

nothing. nothing at all

I have a  feeling that I should be concerned, 

but I'll choose to ignore it

so anyways
what are you doing

i'm just chilling

texting you. eating my food

good, good
ehh bye

bye Techno

what the fuck was that. no seriously, what did you just do? you just read all that and wrote all that, and you still have no idea what happened. you don't remember anything of value. you read it all over again just in an attempt to understand what the fuck just happened.

oh. techno invited you to be an anarchist with him. and you said yes. oh wow. that was... overwhelming. not as overwhelming as your upcoming trip though. oh Poseidon, the trip. you had momentarily blocked that information out of your head but now it all came flooding back and you are just as panicked as before. how great.

Techno POV:

I just did that, didn't I? oh god, what have I done? now they're going to think I'm even weirder than they already thought. 'no, they know you techno. they know what you're like.' i reassure myself but the traitorous voice in my head argues against it. why were friendships, and people in general actually, so complicated?

I walked over to my bed, laying down under the sheets, just remembering how it felt when y/n had sleepwalked into it and I had woken up with their warmth on my chest. I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to block out the memory and go to sleep. they'd never want me that way, not how I wanted them. to them, I was just a friend, and that was clear as day.

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeWhere stories live. Discover now