044: Cuddles pt. 2

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you wake up, feeling really hot. and not hot as in attractive (even though you are) but as in warm. Technos grip around you has not seemed to change at all during the night, and you are somewhat relieved by that. your stiffened body relaxes back into his chest as you snuggle further into his grip, closing your eyes again. a little more sleep won't do any harm...


you wake up, Zeus knows how much later, by the sun shining right in your eyes. you shift a little, not very much though since your moving space is pretty limited at the moment, trying to find a position where it's not in your eyes.

you're too tired to even think and just want to go back to sleep. after a few seconds of struggling, you realize that that won't be possible. you sigh and start thinking about your next problem instead, whether to sneakily get out of bed without waking Techno up, waking him up to get out, or just stay where you are, not risking disturbing him in his sleep.

all of this goes to shit as you feel him move behind you, his hold of you loosening. you turn to look at him, without realizing how close together you are. your nose is only an inch or two away from his chin, and you feel your face heat up as you look up to his eyes. if it wasn't already red because of how warm you are, it definitely is now.

"good morning" you muster to say, your voice a bit raspy from sleep. you force a gulp in hopes that that'll make it better.

"morning," he says with almost not moving his lips at all. his monotone voice sounds more emotional and is a bit raspier, just like yours. he doesn't break the stare, but rather seems to be searching your eyes for something. you bite the inside of your bottom lip, unsure of what to do.

he makes that choice for you, after what feels like forever of staring at each other. "I guess everyone's already up, we should go" but he doesn't make any effort to move.

"yeah, we should" you nod, making the weird sound of hair moving against a pillow fill your right ear. you don't move either.

"or we could just go back to sleep" he suggests and you nod again, keeping your poker face, just like he is. the two of you are being comedically serious about this.

"sounds like a plan" you agree and he smiles for the first time of today. then he uses his arms to pull you closer to him, cuddling you up towards his chest again, but this time with your face in it.

you bury your face even deeper into it, feeling him rest his face on the top of your head. you stick one arm under him and one over, to link them behind his back, just like he has his linked behind yours. then you relax all your muscles, letting yourself drift back to sleep for the second time today.


"I think they're in here," a lowered voice says. you shift a bit, trying to find a comfortable position to continue sleeping in.

"should we go in?" another voice asks.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm not going in there," yet another voice says, sounding like it would be idiotic to even think about going in 'there'. where even is 'there'?

"why not?" the second voice asks.

you recognize it as Tubbos through your sleepy state of mind. you give up on sleeping and rub your eyes carefully.

"because it's Technoblades room, you idiot" Tommy sneers from outside the door. aha. 'there' must be Technos room then. and 'they' must be you and Techno.

"Tommy, don't be mean," Niki says with a disapproving tone.

"I'm sorry, but he's being an idiot" Tommy defends himself quite lively. you sigh. how is anyone supposed to sleep with him around?

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeWhere stories live. Discover now