062: Dating

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you ended the stream a while ago but realized that your sleep schedule is already fucked up at this point? so you decided to stay up to chat with Tech, which honestly is one of your best decisions by far. you do not think you will ever grow old of his company.

"hey, Tech? the world to the handsome man on the other end of the call, are you there?" you try again as Tech doesn't answer the first time. you smile and the LEDs are giving off a comedically upbeat and lighthearted vibe in contrast to the seriousness of your voice, even though you are trying to joke it away. you reach for their remote and turn them off and your room gets surprisingly dark when they no longer shine in a number of different colors.

"yeah, I'm here. what's up?" how does he always seem so calm and collected? you guess it is the always deep and tired voice that does it. you drop the remote on the desk, close to one of the corners, but not close enough for it to fall off if you accidentally hit the desk. you take a deep breath.

"we need to talk." you can not back down now, it is already too late and he has probably heard from your tone that it is serious. holy Hestia, what have you gotten yourself into? but no, this needs to be done.

"you know, conversations that start with the words 'we need to talk' never turn out good. those words have an ominous aura to them" he comments but does not say he does not want to talk. is that a good thing? you do not know. "should I be worried?"

you try to fake a smile, but realize the absolute unimportance of doing that as he can not even see your face. "no, it's nothing too serious, it's just... I want to talk about us, if that's okay?" you make it sound like a question, when in reality, if he was to decline, you would talk about it anyways.

"sure, go ahead" the lack of nervousness in Tech's voice throws you off guard. is he really that confident in you as a pair? anyhow, it makes you braver, it makes you feel like what you are about to ask is not completely bonkers.

"what are we?" you do not sugarcoat it or tip-toe around it like a coward. you go straight to the point and try to sound as confident as possible doing so.

"I mean, we've not talked about it yet. what do you want us to be?" he asks and sounds so serious your heart melts. he is so sweet and nobody notices that? how is that even possible? but his question is stressing you out, it is making your pulse speed up.

"I mean, I do want to be more than friends, that's for sure" you start off simple, not daring to suggest that you would become an official couple yet. though you have noticed, when you hang out with Tech, how the voices calm down and the volume of which they are speaking is turned down. your hope is that if you spend enough time with him, enough time being genuinely happy, they will go away for good.

"I think that part was pretty obvious. how about we just say we're dating?" he suggests and you can not help but snort and wheeze. "oh god, why are you laughing?" Tech sighs.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just..." you chuckle a bit. "we've never been on a date, you do realize that right?" you grin at your monitor, staring intensely at Tech's discord icon.

"okay, I- I see your point," he laughs. "but hey! we can change that," he says optimistically. hm. that is unusual. normally he is only optimistic in a sarcastic way. of course, that stereotypical behavior does have some exceptions. like right now for instance.

you knit your eyebrows together while also scrunching your nose up. "and how would we do that? we still live twelve hours away from each other" you counter.

"yeah, but not by plane," Tech says. you stare at your monitor in disbelief. how much money does this man think you have? you can't just go around buying plane tickets all the time.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora