057: Kisses pt.2

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"hello chat, I'm back home now," you greet them with a smile, which they can't see, of course, and go on the Dream SMP. chat goes by too quickly for you to make anything out of it, but they seem excited enough. "guys, how about we just grind for a while? chill stream, yeah?"

Techno nudges your arm as you load in. "oh, right, I have someone here with me," you laugh. "can you guess who?"

you and Techno watch chat and it's all over the place, some are saying Tommy, some Fundy, some are saying Purpled etc, etc. you chuckle again. "okay, I think barely anyone got it right. here, I'll let him speak," you move over a bit so he can reach the mic.

"hallo," if you didn't know better, you would think that his 'hallo' that he always uses is just pre-recorded because he can't bother talking to people. it sounds the exact same every damn time.

chat goes completely wild as they all recognize his voice despite him never uploading or being live. it's crazy. he shakes his head, but he's grinning. he knows what power he holds. you smack his arm.

"ow! chat! chat! they just hit me! this is not a joke, send help. call the police. I don't care what you do, I need saving," he panics and you roll your eyes.

"don't listen to him, he's just a crybaby," you assure chat.

he looks at you with a very offended expression. "I'll let you know, I'm very strong and manly," he argues.

"sure, sure" you roll your eyes and chuckle. "or maybe that's just toxic masculinity speaking," you point at him and raise an eyebrow.

"touché," he surrenders and laughs. "it's okay chat, I think they won't murder me," he jokes and you shake your head with a smile.

then you remember something. "SHIT! I was supposed to call them," you stress over to discover, freezing the stream.

"oh, right," Techno sounds unreasonably calm. how is he so good at always masking his stress? you need life lessons from this man as fast as possible.

you call Tommy first. he picks up not even a second later. he must've been waiting at his computer for when you got home. the call is completely quiet.

"hello? Tommy?" you ask and tab back to Minecraft, mining in the nether for ancient debris.

"hello," he says, and he sounds as dampened as when you left.

"hey man, how's it going," Techno says in his usual style.

"why would you ask that? you literally know how's it going," Tommy says, only half-joking. at least you think he's joking.

you mute stream for a second. "you know it wasn't your fault. and Tubbo's alright," you say. "so what is it big lad?" you try your hardest to make it impossible for him to take it the wrong way, make him think your taunting him for feeling down.

"it's just... can chat hear us?" he ask, obviously suspicious.

"no," you reply.

"good. it's just... I can't even see my best friend anymore. and I keep thinking of how I just sat there crying until you came," he sobs.

"Tommy, you didn't know what to do. it's normal to go in shock in situations like that," you try to calm him down, comfort him without being there.

"but you didn't," he says quietly.

"what?" you heard him, but you're not sure you heard him right. you glance at Techno and he shrugs. why is he still standing up?

"you didn't go into shock. you helped him. that's more than I did," Tommy continues, speaking louder.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeWhere stories live. Discover now