021: San Francisco

8.9K 287 915

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you walk around your room waiting for Tommy to call you back. you never thought you'd see the day you were waiting for some sixteen-year-old boy to call you back. it's honestly pretty weird. but that's Minecraft streamers to you. age differences are nothing in this world. just look at the s.k 'sleepy boys inc'; the biggest age gap there is 16 years, and that's between a 16 and 32-year-old.

you're so lost in thoughts that the sound of your phone vibrating makes you jump. you clutch your hand over your heart and breathe in and out deeply for a couple of seconds before walking over to where you placed down your phone. on your desk, that'd be.

looing at the text on your screen, you take another deep breath.

Annoying child

want's to facetime...

you accept the call and get a little too close of a closeup on Tommys face. you pull your phone away ever so slightly. no one's actually seen your face since the love or host, so you are kind of nervous of how everyone will react when you all meet, so having Tommy see it first is really nice.

"hello" he greets you, glancing between his phone and computer setup. you can tell from the light on his face and the reflection in his blue eyes. huh, never noticed they were blue before. then again, you don't watch his videos all that often either.

"hey Tommy" you're relieved that he's alone. one person at a time is more than enough. your social anxiety can only take so much. "so Niki could make it, but Fundy said he's only 90% certain that he can"

"that's bullcrap, whatever else would he be doing that's so important?" Tommy scoffs.

"be with his family? I don't know, it could be anything" he humpfs but doesn't argue further.

"so why did you have to change before calling huh?" you use a more teasing voice now, bored out of your mind. that reminds you, you have a stream in an hour. 'shit'

"oh uhm" you can see his cheeks heat up and he looks away from his phone, seeming rater interested in something in his hands. "well the other one was a bit... weird"he laughs, loud but short, before falling silent again.

"okay, whatever you say Tomathy" you smirk at him mischievously. he looks offended and stares back at you.

"what the fuck. how dare you call me Tomathy?" you start laughing and he tries to get his arguments heard but soon gives up. "so I asked Phil too, and he thinks he can make it. have you asked anyone else?" he says after a couple of seconds later.

"well, I could always ask Techno, but I don't know anybody else that well sooo..." you trail off. also you're not sure at all that Technoblade would even consider coming. he's just a little different.

"oh" Tommy lets out. "well we could ask Dream and George and shit" he then says excitedly. you grin at his happiness. Tommy could actually be one of the best friends you've ever had.

"that sounds great Tommy" you smile at him. "but I need to go now. I need to prepare for my stream you know"

"yeah, BYEEEE", he says loudly. you grin one last time before hanging up. you go downstairs to grab some snacks and a monster, while also filling up your water. you run back upstairs as soon as you're done, with 45 minutes left to the stream.

you then remember that Techno messaged you and go to see what he wanted.




so when you coming?



uhm, it's still just thursday..?

is it?

oh, it is. well, still, when are you coming?

where do you live?

san fransisco

that's not far away from where I live, I live in phoenix


you do know it takes almost 12 hours to drive between those cities, right?

I knew that. I'm smart, what are you talking about?

it's not like I dropped out of college or something


anyways, it'd be easier to fly over but it'd be a waste of money just to see each other for a day and then go home

so stay the night then. or two.

you sure..?

pretty sure


right, I was supposed to ask you something


no, I'll tell you when I get there

that's not fair now I wanna know

sorry not sorry pigboy

I've never felt so betrayed in my whole life

I shall end you when you get here

you can always try

how tall are you



you're tiny

am not

I refuse to read this, I'll leave now

bye pigman


you smile and close your phone, booting up your computer. time to stream.

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeWhere stories live. Discover now