064: Moving out

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"friends?" you smile, it's an unsure smile, you're still wary of it all, but a smile is still a smile.

"although we've already established that, yeah. friends." Dream grins. he actually has his camera on for once during a discord call, something he never usually has. you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. you feel relieved, maybe this whole thing with Dream is finally over and you can go back to being friends who bully each other constantly.

"great." you continue smiling. "now stop being so happy, it's making me sick. all this sweetness tastes like poison in your mouth." you frown and wrinkle your nose up. he laughs, his usual wheeze mixed together with a chuckle. you scoff. "I'll leave now, bye idiot." he's still laughing when you leave the call, struggling to breathe.

well, not that that's over, you can go back to sleep. you sleep more hours than you're awake, it's crazy.


you wake up by your phone buzzing. what the actual fuck. you groan and fumble after your phone, slamming your palm on your nightstand until you find it. it glows brightly in your eyes and hurts your vision.

you squint and accept the discord call without looking to see who it is. "hello?" you ask with furrowed eyebrows. why would someone be awake right now? at this hour? it's madness, complete mayhem.

"hallo," Tech says and you're immediately awake. "Tech? why are you up so early? shouldn't you be getting your beauty sleep?" you say groggily, your morning voice making it hard to make out what you're saying.

"we both know I don't need that love, and besides, it's 10 am. what are you still doing in bed?" he counters back. you are proud to say that you are barely even blushing at the fact that he just called you love. but that might also be the confusion of having just woken up.

"you don't wake up before noon if you don't have to, everyone knows that," you say, voice still laced with sleep. you rub your eyes and get up in a sitting position, your back leaning against the wall behind you.

"hm. there may be something to that. anyways-" Techno chuckles and tries to regain the power of speech. "anyways- i- anyways" he clears his throat. "anyways, I just wanted to tell you that I've uhh" he hesitates a bit and by this point, you're completely awake.

"you have what? tell me already" you roll your eyes with a smile playing on your lips.

"I've thought of maybe moving in together?" he says nervously. your lips part open and you stare into the darkness in front of you. moving in together. he wants to live with you. share a home. oh, gods.

"Tech, I-" you're at a loss of words. is he serious? because if he's not, it's a really bad joke on his part.

"is it too early? it's too early." he curses. "I knew it was too early, I should've-" he rambles.

"no." you cut him off sternly. then you soften your tone. "no, I would love to move in with you." you smile softly.

"i- really?" he seems so genuinely surprised that you laugh. "well, you're my boyfriend, aren't you? so let's move in together, then we won't have to do long-distance anymore." you grin and you can see it all in front of you now. the house, waking up with Techno every day, streaming in the same house. it's wonderful.

"no, we won't." he seems to be getting over the shock now and you grin. this is about the best idea he's ever had.

"hey?" you say smugly. "want to celebrate with some Minecraft arson?" you smirk and you hear him huff on his side of the end.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeWhere stories live. Discover now