012: Going deeper

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they actually didn't start yet, thank the gods. you see Minx look disappointed while Karl beams at his camera. you slightly furrow your eyebrows in confusion. you had thought Minx actually liked you.

"what?", you ask them, starting to feel like a fool. and you really don't like feeling like a fool.

"no, no I and Minx were just betting on if you'd come on time or be late", Karl says, holding a laugh. you feel your face relax as you get the hang of the situation.

"well, I'm assuming you won then ay?", you say with a crooked half-smile, with a hint of amusement in your voice. the round starts about three seconds later when Austin does the 'welcome back' intro.

you lay back in your chair as your mind wanders off a bit, not quite listening to what's going on. at least, until you hear a voice break through the muffled silence.

"... what do you think y/n?", Dream asks you, obviously happy that he caught you off guard. you blink a few times, slightly startled, before trying to remember what they were talking about.

relationships, breakups... aha. how you'd approach breaking Karl's heart in a relationship. most of the girl's answers have been pretty basic, being gentle, not trying to hurt him unnecessarily much.

"well", you start off, the smile on your face growing larger and larger when you realize what the best answer would be. "I just wouldn't", you simply say.

Karl's eyes widen, his eyebrows raised. he smiles surprised, seemingly at peace with your answer. meanwhile Mr. Nuts over here is laughing his ass off. 'and this fucker is studying to become a lawyer', you think while mentally eye-rolling.

you then continuously look at the camera with a sugar-sweet smile, probably fooling most people watching the show. which is kinda good. but you long to just show your crazy side, but not yet.

"well I need to leave now, good luck finding a woman, Karl, my friend", Tommy says before the sound of him leaving the call is heard. you pull a stunned face while Minx's lits up in joy.

"goodbye then Tommy", Austin says, despite the fact that he can't even hear him. Amy, who you later found out wasn't actually named Amy, it was Anne, actually manages to look sad that he's gone. hm, what a strange human being. sure, he's easy to like, but he's annoying and loud as well, so getting a break from him is like a gift from the gods.

you gently shake your head before the questioning begins again.

"so girls, what is it that you've found annoying about Karl so far?", George asks. you didn't even realize someone else had joined until he spoke. you don't answer out of pure shock, which gives one of the other girls (Liane was it?), time to speak. you're surprised Minx didn't beat her to it.

"well I haven't found anything yet", she says in a soft voice. you feel an idea starting to take form in your head as another girl starts talking.

you privately message Minx on discord. "wanna spice things up a bit?", you quickly type. "bet. what do you have in mind?" you smugly smile before answering. "just hop on when I start", mysteriously dodging her question you go back to letting the zoom call fill the whole screen. you let out a breath when you realize no one took notice of your actions.

"could I go next please?", you ask politely, an innocent smile on your face.

"of course", Karl beams back at you, and you widen your own smile as a thank you. Dream, however, was not falling for your sugar-coated trap.

"hmmm, I guess...", he answers quietly at the same time as Karl. pretending you didn't hear him you start talking to the people on the stream and in the zoom.

"well I think Minx and I both have found something out of the ordinary, haven't we Minx?", you say, still smiling. this is going well so far, Karl is suspecting nothing.

"oh, you bet we have", she says back, despite having no idea of what you're on about. "how about you tell 'em, aye?" you nod as your smile becomes more crooked.

"well, we actually have found something we don't particularly fancy about Karl", you say slowly, dragging out your answer. "we think that Karl sometimes is just a bit too much of a softie for us. too sweet," you continue, realizing you are speaking of yourself and Minx as if you are a package deal. 'buy one, get one for free, they just come together' sort of crap.

Minx face cracks up in a smile of shock and amusement as she tries not to laugh. Karl himself just looks confused as to how you could be too soft. Quackity is laughing his ass off in the background, and most of the girls are looking at their screens in horror of what the consequences of your bold actions will be.

you can also, to your great surprise, hear Dream wheeze. you're stunned by this discovery and then shrug it off with a smile, happy about what you've accomplished. but what will happen because of your words and honesty? will Karl finally vote you out? or will he be intrigued by this and let his curiosity take the best of him? or will he simply keep you for the laughs and entertainment of his channels?

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeWhere stories live. Discover now