013: Goodbyes

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looking over at your second monitor you see that Minx has messaged you again; "are we allowed to chat during the show? I don't really care but we might've just broken a rule" you stress at this. die you? meh. if you did, who would know? you type back at her. "who cares?". she answers "not me" and you smile, forgetting about the face cam.

"hey, Y/n, what is it that is so funny huh?", Quackity asks you, completely cutting off another girl. you stare at your conversation with Minx for another second before, slowly as ever, turning your eyes to look at the zoom.

"oh, I was just lost in thoughts, nothing too special", you calmly say, panicking inside. how much did he see? will he fall for your lies? you don't know why, but a sudden wave of paranoia hits you as you pray to Zeus that he won't knowledge you typing.

"so you weren't chatting with anyone? hm? then what were your hands doing?". dang, it. jinxing yourself, 'good job y/n', you mentally facepalm. then you take a deep breath through your nostrils and relax your face into a smile.

"oh, I don't know. just fidgeting, I guess? I don't always realize what I'm doing when zoning out y'know?", you smile at your camera, sweet as ever.

"hm", is all that is heard. thank the gods, now continue on with the show.


"and that is all for Alex Quackity everybody, say goodbye to him!", Austin says, in his true show host spirit. you wave goodbye at him with a grin, because despite being so hostile towards each other, you really did enjoy talking to the guy. he was a chaotic kind of fun.

three voices stand out from the others as you all say your goodbyes. Karls, Dreams, and Georges, not that you're surprised by this discovery, it's just a plain observation from your side. you quietly wonder if someone else will take Quackitys place or if two guests will be enough for now. but of course, it wouldn't.

"welcome on to the show, Sapnap!", Austin excitedly exclaims. you hear Dream celebrating his friend's entrance and Karl yelling "omg it's my other fiancée". you had totally forgotten they had some weird kind of polyamorous thing going on. not that you're against poly relationships, theirs just seem kind of weird and unstable.

you let your face stay unbothered as Sapnap introduces himself to the stream. when he's done Austin asks him if he has any questions for Karl or us girls, and then says he will let us be for the rest of the round until it's time for Karl to eliminate another girl/person.

the round goes by pretty fast and painless, to your relief. then Austin joins the conversation again to tell Karl it's time to decide for his bottom three. two or three minutes pass by until Austin starts speaking again.

"okay, so our bottom three are Stephanie, Maia, and Hannah. please defend yourselves as to why you should not be eliminated from the show", he exclaims cheerfully. reminds you of the game leaders in the hunger games.

"I would facetime you every night because I live far away and I'm very caring in relationships", Maia says in a high-pitched voice. you grimace slightly at this.

"uhm, I'm a good cook?", Hannah says hesitantly. you let yourself give in to a crooked smile at this. you yourself can't cook for shit.

"well I honestly can't think of anything. and I think that's good too, you should keep people you like, and no matter what desperate things they tell you to stay, I know that they'll get voted off anyway", Stephanie shrugs. your eyebrows rise slightly with your eyelids as your admiration for her grows. maybe she isn't as shallow as you first thought..?

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeWhere stories live. Discover now