061: Passed out

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Avery had not been lying, that coffee was the absolute best. you sigh happily just thinking about it and images of the paper cup thrown away in the trash can hurt your soul. why did it have to be so small? she had waved you goodbye a few minutes ago? heading towards the tube, telling you that she probably doesn't go to school anywhere close. it makes the fact that she was so close by even more weird than it was originally. maybe she lives around here?

taking your keys out of your jacket (much more gracefully this time around) you unlock the door and step into the house, a wall of warm air hitting you in the face. you chuckle, not because of the warm air, but because you're thinking back to the tube. since meeting Wilbur, all you can think of when someone mentions the tube is his song and you don't mind it at all, it's an honestly good song.

you hum the lyrics as you take off your shoes and jacket, cheerfully walking upstairs, careful not to wake your sleeping mother. the fact that Tech didn't answer doesn't even bother you anymore. you talked it out with Avery and she calmed you pretty well, and together you came up with multiple reasons why he hasn't answered that are all reasonable and doesn't include him being salty or hurt over what Wilbur said on your stream. you could almost bet money on one of them which includes Tech and his horrible sleep schedule, the reason why he hasn't answered is as simple as he is simply asleep.

you pull the hoodie off, throwing it away on the floor and jumping into bed. you cuddle down under the covers and think back to when Techno was here. the memory warms your chest and you open discord on your phone. he still hasn't answered so you switch to scrolling through Twitter instead. it may be a wicked place, but at least it's an escape from your thoughts and you're pretty sure if you hadn't closed discord, you would have been stuck staring at your conversation (or lack thereof) with Techno for a good while. somehow that doesn't sound too healthy.

you sit up, but suddenly you can't hear, it's like someone has stuffed cotton in your ears. you know you can hear things, but it's so bad that if someone talked to you, you would have no idea what they were saying. and you know what comes next and you curse yourself for not eating before you went out. the dizziness hits you like a brick wall and your fingers begin to numb. you should probably scream for your mom but your energy is completely drained and the world starts blackening before your eyes, making it seem like you're dreaming. the last thing you notice is that you fall back on your pillow.


you wake up one or two seconds later, but you know that it's been more than that. it always has. you slowly open your eyes and realize the cotton-like is still there and everything is blurry. you sigh and wait for it to pass. the ceiling soon gets incredibly boring to stare at, so you tilt your head to watch something else. you see your phone and pick it up, still remembering Tech through your dreamy state.

opening discord, you see that he has finally answered you.


------5.38 am------

are you awake? I'm bored

------1.06 pm------

i am now
how do you wake up so early?

I actually don't know
how do you wake up so late?

because i go to sleep late?
anyways, you still bored? cuz we can do something if you want to, i'm free all day

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeWhere stories live. Discover now