026: Slip-up

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"so what do you want to do now?" Techno asks you. you think for a bit. what do you wanna do? maybe another movie, but that could be boring.

"how about streaming?" you propose. it is a really funny idea because then the two of you could get in a call with Tommy and make him baby rage over the fact that Techno met you first. "I have a great plan that'll result in lots of clout.' you grin.

"as long as I get clout, I'm in" he shrugs. yeah, you knew the clout part was what's gonna win him over. figuring people out is too easy sometimes.

"great," you say, making your way over to his room with him not too far behind. when you get there you flip down on the edge of his bed so you can see his screen the whole time.

"so what were you thinking?" he questions you when sitting down in his chair, booting up his computer.

"well, I was thinking about calling Tommy, but now all i can think about is that awfully old laptop of yours" you grimace. it looks antique almost.

"hey, don't bully my laptop. it's great" he defends it. you just snort. "okay, whatever. should we go on the dream SMP and call Tommy?"

"yeah, that sounds good. just slowly bring me up and then, BOOM! I start talking. he'll think you're pranking him." you sigh. "oh Zeus, it's going to be so good. unless he murders us the moment we arrive in Britain." you furrow your brows at the possibility. no, Tommy wouldn't word it like that. he'd say something along the lines 'i'll stab the shit out of you'. yeah, that sounds more like it.

"nah, we'll be fine." Techno reassures you. "now be quiet, I'm starting the stream"

~time skip cos I don't wanna write his stupid streaming intro~

"Tommy, Tommy, TOMMY." Techno repeats when the 16-year-old doesn't shut up. "listen to me man. okay, so about y/n..." he starts off. finally.

"yeah, what about her? she's American." you grimace. what was his deal with Americans? holy Hades.

"yeah, so am I, Tommy. that's beside the point. she says you're like her best friend. is that true? are you best friends with a woman? who's American?" he questions the boy. he gets nothing but silence in return for a couple of seconds, then an obnoxiously loud laugh can be heard.

"yeah, yeah. she's nice" he says. you pout. he'll get Tartaros upon him for that. you'll make sure of it.

"just nice? I thought you guys were close friends?" Techno asks, seeming confused. 'as am i, as am i' you think.

"yeah. Tubbo's nice too. what do you want from me, pigman?" Tommy says. time to step in.

"he didn't want anything. I did" you say, getting closer, so you're leaning forward on the bed. silence. then a high-pitched scream. you pull back again and grimace. couldn't he ever not be loud? or at least attempt to?

"what the fuck?!" he yells and laughs.

"Tommy, I'll murder you when I see you," you say, copying Technos monotone voice to intimidate him. it's better than his stupid towers at least. those are just fucking dumb.

"oh no, now there's two of them" he laughs a bit while saying it. "AAHHH" he screeches when Techno starts hitting him in-game. "I'm sorry! please don't murder me!" you laugh at his cowardice and mood swings.

"chat is going crazy" Techno states. "you were right about the clout" he jokes. you grin at him.

"I'm never wrong."

"YEAHHH," Tommy says in that low voice he does sometimes. "we're the godly duo," he says proudly.

"who said I haven't ditched you for Techno, huh? you just called me 'nice'. did you not have anything better to say?" you ask him, mimicking his voice on the nice.

"okay, I do not sound like that. and nice is a great compliment from someone as important as me!" he yells, very offended. yeah, he's no longer your best friend. though he is more like a little brother, that feels like Wilburs place as the older sibling.

"is not. I'll not ever visit you now, nimrod" you frown. then you slap your hand over your mouth when you realize what you've said. Techno just looks at you.

"chat, that was just a joke, I'm not visiting Tommy" you quickly say.

"what the fuck?! why not? you promised!" he yells, angered at your excuse. this idiot really just-

you look at Techno with panic in your eyes. this stream was a dumb idea, but you won't admit that to anyone present. he just looks at you, the question burning in his eyes. you shake your head no, they need to act as if nothing happened.

"guys? why are you not talking to me? HELLO?! don't ignore me, bitch." he hits Techno in-game and you pinch your lips, knowing what's about to go down.

not even ten seconds later, Tommy's dead.

'TommyInnit was killed by Technoblade using [Orphan Obliterator]'

you laugh at the text. he's not even an orphan. wait... there's someone that is though. a certain furry...

"Techno... I have an idea. you know how you're slaughtering all orphans on sight?" you ask him, an idea slowly taking form in your head.

"yeah," he says.

"well, how come Fundy's still alive then?" you ask innocently. you lived for the chaos, alas why you were even friends with Tommy, to begin with. and your love-hate relationship with Dream as well as the chaotic one with Quackity. yeah, Techno was possibly the calmest one of your friends.

"oh. I don't know. I haven't really thought about it." he replies, taken aback by this information. 'process it... and then murder him' you think. this was going to be beautiful.

"where is that fox?" Techno lets out and you can hear Tommy unmute.

"what the fuck?" he laughs. so he's been listening then. great, he can add to the chaos.

"we're about to murder Fundy. you in?" you question him. "or are you siding with the orphan furry?" you word so it seems like something unimaginable, but in reality, you think that Fundy's actually a pretty nice guy. 'i hope he doesn't take this seriously' you worry. you were to see him in real life after all. at least you'd have Techno. and Tommy, to whatever comfort that'd be.


"I messed up bad didn't I? when I slipped up about the UK visit," you sigh when Techno has ended the stream and hung up on Tommy and Fundy after murdering both of them on stream.

"no, it's fine. they'll just think it's serious for a couple of days or so, and then when it doesn't happen they'll think it was a joke," he reassures you and you calm down slightly at his words. yeah, maybe it wasn't so bad...

you sigh. "I sure hope so."

he looks down at you from his standing position but doesn't do anything. maybe he doesn't know what to do. either way, it's ok. you don't feel the need to be comforted right now, you just wanna go to sleep. or...

"hey, are you up for some bedwars?" you ask him, feeling happier already. not happy, happier.

"eh..." he says hesitatingly. "I usually play skywars. but eh sure."

"great." then you remember something. "wait, no i didn't bring my computer or even my laptop." you groan at your own idiocy. you should've seen this coming. too late to fix that now.

"hm. you can play and I'll just watch then." Techno comes up with. you start sweating at the mere thought. you did this in front of loads of people live all the time, how was this any worse?

but you knew why. it was because it was him.

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeWhere stories live. Discover now