Bitter - Baizhu

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a/n: he's hard to depict but i made some research on him so that i can write him somewhat accurately, please bear with me !

Pairing: gn!reader + Baizhu
Warning: Grammatical errors, not proofread, angst, light fluff (?)
Word count: 3092 words

You felt like puking for the third time this day. You walked weakly amongst the streets of Liyue towards the direction of Bubu Pharmacy. You wanted to stay in for the day until this sickness would heal itself but that was just wishful thinking honestly.

You knew it would only get worst if you did nothing about it so you forced yourself to get up and head over to Bubu Pharmacy.

"Hey, Y/N!" A voice greeted to you, you turned your head to see that it was your friend Aether. A smile was plastered on his face, that is until he saw your weakened state. God, you looked awful.

"You look like you should be in bed." He suggested, accompanying you to wherever you were going. "I really should be but I need to cure this sickness. Can't just stay in bed now, can I?" You chuckled weakly.

A few more minutes and you had finally arrived at Bubu Pharmacy. What a rare day it was to see that the owner of the pharmacy was there as well, Baizhu. The man was known to be the greatest doctor but he rarely works on the counter so, to see him there was quite a luck.

"You got something for me?" You asked simply, assuming that the green haired man would already know the sickness you were suffering from with one good look. And you were right, he started looking through the cabinets for herbs and medicines that could possibly cure you.

Once he found the items needed, he handed it over the counter with a smile. "I hope you know that this man will rob you of your money." The white snake rested upon his shoulders warned you .

"I'm fine with that." You weakly responded. As long as you could cure this annoying sickness already.

"That would be... 800,000 mora." Baizhu only smiled innocently once stating the price.

Goddamn, you knew it was gonna be expensive. But for only a few items, he was putting 800,000 as a price? Harsh!

You sighed heavily before agreeing anyway. "Payment will come soon, will that be okay?" You asked, putting your arms on the counter and leaning on it. This sickness was taking a toll on you, even standing was making it hard for you.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Y/N. If this doesn't lift your weakness tomorrow, then I shall be visiting your home. Otherwise, please come back here and talk to Gui." He instructed as you nodded along and took the items with you home.

"Let me help." Aether offered once more, opening his arms as if to say to give it to him. You had no energy to fight so you just did and uttered a small thank you to him and Baizhu. Waving the Bubu Pharmacy a goodbye before going down the case of stairs.

Once you had arrived home, you plopped down on your bed face first. Aether once again offered to help and prepared your medicine for you. He somehow knew what to do with the medicine, he then pulled a chair nearby to sit next to your bed.

"Sit upward." He commanded. You lazily followed and sat up facing him.

You liked this, Aether felt like a big brother to you. You had no one with you in Liyue anyway since your family was in a different region and you worked here to support them financially, which was going great considering you could pay Baizhu's 800k.

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