let's play again next time! - diluc

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— it's been 2 yrs since i last gave diluc his own chapter im so sorry pookie

pairing : gn!reader + diluc
warnings // tags : modern!au, fluff, reunion, not proofread
word count : 2245 words

Zhongli and his beloved partner had decided to go on another vacation for a few weeks and they both decided to let you watch over their precious son, Muyang, who has been continuously pestering you about going to the park that you promised him to visit together the other day.

You sighed to yourself as you slowly got up and changed clothes, finally giving in to his request. "Okay, okay, we're going. Give me a second," You state as he chants 'playground' all the while you are inside your room changing.

"Whew... timeout, Muyang." You splay your hands out in front of you as you are hunched over and breathing in and out to try and even out your breath. You decided to play a little bit of tag with him so, now here you were, heaving like your life depended on it even though you've only just run around for, what, ten minutes?

Because of such a small amount of time that you ran around with him, he pouted and huffed. "You got tired so quick, Y/N! Daddy could play for up to an hour."

"Your dad's got quite the stamina..." You breathe before standing properly. "I'm sure he got proper exercise from trying to make you."

Muyang tilted his little head to the left in confusion. "Huh?"

You laughed boisterously before waving it off. "I'm just kidding," You walked up to the little kid and gave him chalk. "Make squares and triangles so we can play hopscotch, I'm better at that."

He happily nodded and ran off to an empty, flat space so he can begin drawing on the ground whilst you took a breather and went to the nearby bench and sat yourself down. You put your arms on the backrest and let your head rest on it, closing your eyes as a heavy sigh leaves your lips. "I'm just gonna take a little nap."

Muyang merrily drew on the ground, trying to make the matchup of shapes a little difficult so it would be more fun that way. He figures that you should get some exercise too! With a satisfied grunt, he finished. "Y/N! I finished it alre—"

Out of pure surprise, he cuts himself off once he sees a little girl standing by the beginning of the hopscotch with an anticipating, beaming grin. She had blonde hair held in pigtails, she wore a red dress, and small leather shoes. "I'm Klee! Let me play with you!"

Though Muyang hesitates a little bit, he doesn't think for too long before he nods his head with a beaming smile that mirrored hers. "Okay!"

Muyang runs up next to her after grabbing a nearby rock and getting ready to begin playing but, Klee asks a question first before they begin. "What's your name?"

"Muyang!" He answers.

"Okay, Muyang! Let's play all the time, okay?" She suggests before the game finally began.

And so, the two of them played with each other whilst going on for a few rounds. Oftentimes, Muyang tries to scare Klee to make her fall but, it's all just lighthearted banter as they chase around each other when Muyang does succeed in making her fall.

Considering both of them were such energetic kids, you were bound to be awoken by their racket. Once you opened your eyes, the two of them had already made a sandcastle big enough to impress even you.

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