imy - Venti

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a/n: i wasnt really sure how to write this request- i got confused but i hope this did it justice!

Pairing: gn!reader + Venti
Warnings: not proofread, grammatical errors
Word count: 1903 words

You were strolling around the inner walls of Mondstadt. Looking up in hopes to see a clear blue sky but was only met with harsh gusts of wind that prevented you from seeing as such.

"How I wish I could see such freedom beyond these walls." You chimed, still looking up, eyes sparkling with hope.

A distance away from you was a little wind spirit that stared at you in interest. As if it wanted to get to know you, as if it wanted to make your wishes come true.

It followed behind you as you went to your usual hangout spot, sitting down with your legs crossed and starting to read the book that you had brought along with you.

The wind spirit starts to flutter around you in a shy manner, you take notice of this and giggle. "Aren't you a little curious one?" You display out your palms for it to float just above.

"Have you heard about the sky?" You start. This lead to endless amounts of you storytelling and fantasizing about what was beyond these strong gales of wind that stood as walls.

The more and more you talked, the more it seemed to grow interested. Now it was definitely sure it wanted to grant your wishes.


You wanted to see the sky oh so desperately but why had it come to this? A huge war had erupted and you were caught in the middle of it, being one of the thousands that were injured within it.

You were basically on death's door, barely hanging onto your dearest life. You forced yourself to be okay, to stay awake. You still had so much to live for.

You felt your life slipping away and you gave up from trying to fight it. Instead, you just lied down there as blood trickled down from your lips and onto the ground.

"I hope at least that little wind spirit gets to see it." You wished, your eyes fluttering close as you finally meet death.

Unbeknownst to you, the little spirit now in the physical form of a young boy had went looking for you. Once he had found your unconscious body lying down on the ground, he felt his heart shatter to a million pieces.

He knelt down next to you, cupping your face as tears rolled down his eyes in sadness. "Maybe.. next time." He smiled bitterly, basking in your presence before standing up and leaving.


You don't know how, you don't know why it had happened all so sudden. Your body felt anew, reborn. You felt so fresh.

You could see nothing but a light from a distance, shining dimly. You didn't know where you were, if you were to look around all you would see was a pitch black void.

"Y/N," A voice called, unfamiliar to you. You couldn't respond, you couldn't react whatsoever so you just listened. "In favour of the ᔑリᒷᒲ𝙹 ᔑ∷ᓵ⍑𝙹リ, we have given you a chance to live."

In favour of who? What? Why did that sound like a muffle?

From there, the light disappeared and you were loomed by darkness. The following minutes was spent in silence and then followed another blinding light, to which you shut your eyes to.

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