some sort of fate - kazuha

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— hope u guys like it! super sorry if he's a little ooc...

pairing : f!reader + kazuha
warnings // tags : no gendered pronouns, fluff, modern!au, school!au, friends to lovers, selectivelymute!kazuha, not accurate depiction of selective mutism (I RESEARCHED AND TRIED MY BEST), absolutely not proofread,
word count : 3322 words

During the summer break, you had decided to go to the internet to find some sort of entertainment for yourself. What better way to look for fun than talking to some strangers on the internet, right? Surely, there would be no harm that would come to you, and maybe you'd even gain a friend during the process.

It was the type of website where you could open your camera and talk to strangers on the internet while having the option to skip them if ever you felt uncomfortable or just... didn't wanna talk to them. You had a few fun conversations! A few of them were silly pranks, while some others performed for you nicely just to show their talent.

After all this surfing throughout the website for someone to befriend, you stumbled upon a guy with platinum blonde hair who had his hair down, and with an interesting red streak going on the right side of his hair. He was insanely attractive, you couldn't help but widen your eyes when you saw him.

"Hello," You said with a smile as you leaned back on your chair, awaiting his response. Instead, he waves and types something on his keyboard that soon came up on your monitor. "'My mic is dead, I apologize if this is the only way that I can speak to you.' Oh, that's fine!"

He gives you a smile after hearing your words and types out again. [Hello to you too. :)]

That was the beginning of an amazing chat with someone you had barely even known on the internet, and you didn't even communicate with him through voice entirely. You were the only one speaking but, you could see his reactions about something you said or happened. It was cute to watch honestly.

The way he'd lean forward and hide his face as he laughs, the small smiles he gives you when you're talking about something, the way he gives out his opinions in the chats, and they were all quick responses too!

You were just about to ask for his name when all of a sudden... your damn electricity died. You stared in despair at your monitor and screamed an agonizing 'No!' upon realization of what the hell just happened. It was like fate was playing tricks on you because the electricity wasn't even dead for awhile, it was like a flicker. It quickly came back after a second but, all hope was lost as your computer slowly came back to life and the website had already closed.


Kazuha quietly stared at his monitor, awaiting for the moment that you'd come back because, all of a sudden, your screen just froze in place and you remained unmoving for a solid minute. He tried to wave but, no response. He typed out multiple messages but, still, lead to no response.

Desperate times call desperate measures and so he tries to attach his microphone to his computer and... speaks for the first time. "...Hello?"

Nope. Nothing. He quickly muted his microphone again once your figure left his screen and the website automatically skipped to the next person. Uninterested as he was, he quickly typed out his greetings and farewells to the person before leaving with a smile.

He was quite disappointed with what happened. He wanted to befriend you so badly, you were quite patient with his silence, and even then, you were genuinely having so much fun chatting with him and he felt... good about it.

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