Blushing - Razor

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pairing : f!reader + razor
additional charas. : fischl/amy & bennett
warnings // tags : modern!au, highschool!au, crushing on one another, not proofread at all
word count : 2018 words

"Razor!" Bennett called out to him, raising his hand as he ran to him in a hurry. He turns to look at Bennett and waits for him to arrive beside him so they can walk together.

"Lunch? I'll pay for you!" Bennett grinned at him and gave him a thumbs up. His eyes sparkled at the mention of Bennett's offer and he simply nods.

Words didn't come easy to Razor so he could only communicate with actions at most. He tries his best to speak really, it's just.. words were hard. They were so complicated.

"Two pork chops, one cold lemonade," Bennett turned to look at Razor. "What about you?"

"Water. Blueberry cake for dessert please and thank you." He gave Bennett a small smile at the mention of his wanted dessert and Bennett shakes his head, sighing.

"You're really taking advantage with me paying, huh?" Razor laughs quietly at Bennett's question as he continues to order.

Once the food was finished, the two of them looked around the cafeteria to sit down on a vacant table. It was lunch time so the cafeteria was busy as per usual but they managed to sit down anyway.

"Can you believe we have a new project again? It's so annoying! It's another stupid project in the same subject, we already had one last week, didn't we? Why is she giving out another one?" Bennett ranted on and on, irritated and annoyed.

"That's the thing with projects, Bennett. They don't just run out." Razor reasons out and he groans.

"At least give us a break!"

This dynamic between the two of them has always been like this. Bennett was loud and talkative, not ever running out of topics to talk about, endless rants about what irritated him. Razor did the listening, small responses and replies in between just to muse him.

As talkative as Bennett was, Razor didn't mind it. Just as long as he did the talking, he was okay with it.

Bennett continued to rant on and on. The only difference was that he had this sparkle in his eyes and only compliments came out of his mouth. He was talking about his crush. If he could remember correctly, it was... Amy? The one who's good at acting, she was the main character in a school event before and everyone applaud her for how well she performed.

Razor's attention was all on Bennett until he noticed a certain girl from the corner of his eyes. He glanced for a moment and he notices the way you talk to your friend with amusement in your eyes, nodding along while laughing without a care in the world.

Razor couldn't help but stare. He's always thought about wanting to be friends with you. But, do friends usually have this effect on each other? His heart was beating oddly fast. Does that indicate how much he wants to be friends with you?

Bennett notices the way he's staring, he tried to follow his gaze but can't pinpoint exactly who or what he was looking at. There were too many people and too many things happening in the cafeteria.

Bennett waves a hand in front of him, trying to get his attention back. "Hello? What are you staring at?"

Razor shakes his head, coming to the realization that he had been staring for too long. A faint pink tint dusted his cheeks and Bennett grew curious, slightly raising a brow.

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