certified married couple - lyney

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— my attempt of trying to get out of writer's block ☹️

pairing : gn!reader + lyney
warnings // tags : highschool!au, fluff, possibly ooc, drabble, not proofread, will have grammatical errors
word count : 1535 words

It was Intramurals month; it is a time full of preparation for competitive games and dance routines, entertainment booths, food booths, and many more! All of which was gonna be provided by the students with little help from the teachers.

You decided to go with dance competition (forced to actually) so you could avoid playing in the games because, apparently, participating with the dance competition meant being excluded in the games. You'd much prefer dancing than embarrassing yourself and place your team last.

You exhaled heavily as you sat on the pavement, catching your breath after finishing a session of dance practice. You twisted the cap of your bottle to drink from it to try and hydrate your throat after that rather harsh and difficult choreography.

You looked around the area to try and absorb your surroundings, everyone was doing their own thing in preparation for Intrams week. You could see the other teams practicing, the others were preparing the booths, and most important of them all, your crush.

"Hey, Lumine!" You called with excitement in your tone as you shook her, grabbing her attention. You shook her bottle of water in the process, resulting to her glaring at you. "Look, look, look! It's Lyney."

She decided to follow your eyes and looked as well, he seemed to be focused on working on his booth along with his other classmates. Lumine raised an eyebrow, facing you. "And? What am I supposed to do exactly?"

"Nothing! Isn't he just so pretty? It's so hot and yet he remains looking that good... how does he do that?" You started rambling dreamily with your chin rested on top of your elbows.

"If you don't shut up about that little twink, I will personally tell him you like him." Lumine threatened as she placed her bottle down to stand up, preparing for the next dance session.

You don't seem to reject her idea. "I'd love that, honestly! It only heightens my chances of having my love for him be reciprocated and then we get together."

Lumine smirks and begins walking her way to the guy. You froze in place as you watched her, realizing that she was serious. "Huh? Wait! No, wait! I was kidding! Lumine!!"

— —

Just a few moments after your performance from the dance competition (and deemed as champions), you were quickly dragged away by a few students. Namely: Lumine, Aether, and Navia.

"Where are you guys taking me?" You asked with a wide grin, excited as to where they could possibly be taking you because they seem to have a whole surprise planned for you.

Considering they were wearing such big grins, could it be... "Are you guys planning a surprise celebration for me?! Aww, you guys! You didn't have to."

They didn't even bother responding you still, their big grins remained on their lips as they continued to drag you around. So, you decided to just talk with them quickly. "Hey, by the way, did you guys see my performance? Scratch that, did Lyney see my performance? You have to tell me he did, I slayed pretty hard."

"Also, Navia, Aether, you're classmates with him, right?" Those two already knew of your crush towards the talented magician so, it was safe to ask. "You never told me!"

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