For you... - Xiao

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pairing : gn!reader + xiao
additional characters present : ayaka, ayato, itto, venti
warnings // tags : modern!au, touch of band!au, fluff, humour, holiday celebration, might be ooc, not proofread
word count : 3189 words

"What?!" You screamed at your phone upon hearing the most shocking news of your holiday night. "Venti, I promised the kids that we'd have an amazing singer to sing for them tonight!"

[Well, why don't you do it?! You know how to sing!]

"Venti." You say in warning. He couldn't help but laugh on the other side of the line.

[I'm kidding. I know I told you I could be there but, something came up that needs my presence! It's urgent and I have to be there. Can't you hear me rushing and preparing everything I need as we speak?] He asks. He wasn't lying because you could hear the way his mic could pick up the way it would move against his fabric, the soft rattles of his background was also a clear sign.

You sigh out of stress, ruffling your hair and looking at the kids that were seated around the table and eating their food. You decided to hold a charity event for the orphanage during Christmas as a celebration. It was about time that you were donating your old stuff anyway because your house was becoming dirty with all the unused stuff, you asked your friends if they had anything to give off and they did!

So, now, here you all were in the orphanage. Itto was playing around with the kids and entertaining them as they ate, Ayaka on the other side trying to feed a few of them and encouraging them to enjoy their food while Ayato brings out the food and places them on the table.

"Do you... shit- do you know anyone that can cover for you?" You curse under your breath, trying to rack up your brain for anyone that could possibly be available for tonight. For fuck's sake, it was Christmas, who could possibly be available?

[Hmmm...] He hums as he finishes fixing up, letting out a sigh before an idea clicked into his brain. [Aha! One of my band members are available I believe, I can try asking him.]

You almost squealed out of joy, jumping a little in celebration as you clenched your fist. "Yes! Omg, please give me an update when you get a hold of him."

Venti assures you that he will and the call comes to an end. You're suddenly put in a good, hopeful mood as you approach the kids and ask them how they're doing. Ayato and Itto were together in one place so, you decided to go to them and see if things were going well.

They seemed to have finished eating already, now they were just chatting with Itto. They all looked at him with excited smiles. It was a good thing he came along, he knew exactly how to set the mood.

"I bet you guys can't stay up late until midnight," He dares with a confident smile. "That's too bad! You won't be able to see Santa come over and leave gifts."

You can see the way Ayato's face contorts to one of confusion. "Actually, Santa isn't even re-"

Itto audibly and dramatically gasps, covering his mouth for exaggeration. He, then, looks around as if someone was listening in on them. He closes in on Ayato and lets his arm drape over his shoulder, a hand covering his mouth and whispering to him. "Liars aren't given gifts by Santa, y'know. Ain't that right, kids?"

The kids all nod in unison with a simultaneous yell of 'yeah!'

"But, I'm not lyi-"

"Ah, tch, ba, ba, ba!" He sounds off while covering the pale blue-haired male's mouth, interrupting him once more. "We are here to make dreams come true, my dude! Not crush their dreams! Now, who wants to play tag?!"

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