Coffee - Albedo

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a/n: this was supposed to be zhongli but anyways

Pairing: gn!reader + Albedo
Warnings: coffeeshop!au, modern!au, not proofread, grammatical errors
Word count: 2108 words

"Hello, hello!" You chime in, first thing in the morning, entering the empty café being one of the first customers of the day.

The barista sighs, and greets you with a nod. You giggle and take a seat on one of the stools, your gaze stuck on the barista. "My usual order please."

He hums and starts working. Albedo Kreideprinz, your crush ever since he has started working here. You aren't shy about this of course, you're quite bold about it.

Except he's the one not taking the hint. It's either he was dense or purposely ignoring it and you were starting to grow tired of it, but you didn't give up!

"Here's your order." He says, handing you your daily morning coffee. You sip on the drink with a contented smile and hum.

"Nothing wakes me up better than seeing you." You stated a cheesy line, making him turn to look at you with a face you couldn't read. You were already expecting what kind of response he'd say though, something dense or oblivious probably.

"Is that a compliment?" He asks, quirking an eyebrow. You sigh in defeat, your predictions coming true. "Yes." He smiles and mutters a small thank you before going to tend to another customer's order.

Another barista then comes up to you, namely Diluc. He leans towards you and frowns. "It's getting sadder the more I see you try." You laugh bitterly at his remark, dedication still hinted in your eyes.

"Is that supposed to stop me?" He smiles encouragingly and gives you a thumbs up, he didn't need words to express anything. He knew you would understand his actions either way and the message he was trying to convey was clear to you.


The café was your favourite spot to hang out in so the visits you made was nothing new to the workers there. The only thing that was new to them was you not arriving for your usual morning coffee.

Of course, the two baristas that would usually greet you was the ones most weirded out. The two exchanged confused and worried glances but they couldn't do anything about since they didn't have your number.

The café was so unexpectedly down for the whole morning, maybe it was your missing presence that graced their usual quiet morning? Whatever it was, it bothered the whole place.

At the strike of 4:50pm, the sun close to setting, the wind chimes ring as you open the door with a very tired look plastered upon your face. Sighing heavily, as if your shoulders were carrying such a big burden, you sit down on your usual stool.

"You look like shit." Diluc remarks, walking up to you and chuckling. Your head thumps on the material of the table, placing your arms behind your head. "Gee, thanks."

You haven't even asked for your order and Albedo had already started to make your usual one. This time with extra caution to every little detail, even adding a cute little image on your coffee to lighten up your mood.

He carefully hands you your cup of coffee in silence, poking you on your arms, making you look up at him with such a tired look and then noticing the cup. He feels butterflies in his stomach seeing the way you smile at the cute cat image he had on your coffee, you mutter a small 'thank you'.

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