what loving them felt like

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characters : diluc, kaeya, itto, zhongli, childe, cyno, tighnari with either gn!reader or f!reader
warnings // tags : fluff, humor, just a sprinkle of angst, can be modern!au, might be ooc, NOT PROOFREAD
word count : 4191 words

Kaeya Alberich

— loving him was slow
— you loved him a lot and you made sure to show it through actions AND words, you let him know that you were being serious despite how much your flirty attitude seemed like a joke
— kaeya knew that he liked you too, it was obvious with the way he'd feel butterflies in his stomach, the way he felt his heartbeat get louder and louder in his ears, the way he'd lose his cool around you, you melted him.
— but he was scared. he had a fear of being abandoned. thoughts would keep racing through his head. i can't, she'll leave me. she'll leave me in the end, i shouldn't. does someone like me even deserve to love?
he had told you about this and you could slightly feel your heart crack. just a little, it's horrible that he'd think that way. what exactly happened that had him thinking that?
— "i'll give you time to accept me. i'll prove to you i won't leave at all while i wait for your response. no rush, okay?" you'd reached out to caress his face and he'd snuggle himself closer to your touch.

"hello, mister cavalry captain!" you chimed in, opening the door and walking through carefully as if gliding across so you could get to his desk faster with the tray in your hands. "lovely morning we have today,"

he smiled and dropped his pen, his fingers slightly intertwining with each other as his chin rested on top of them. "good morning, thank you for the coffee."

the aroma of coffee in the air this early in the morning was something the cavalry captain had grown accustomed to. he'd found comfort in the way his morning scenery was set into when you walked through the door with your tray of his coffee and snacks.

"of course," you smiled in return. you glanced down at his desk and saw the piles of paper he'd been signing, it was regarding the report on the hilichurl or bandit action while the weinlesefest was ongoing. it looked like a heavy pile.

"you might need a good luck charm while working on that. that's a big pile," you say while pointing down at them. he lets out a chuckle and shrugs his shoulders, leaning on his seat's backrest.

"what do you suggest?" he asks.

"hmmm," you hum, tapping your index finger on your chin. "a kiss on the cheek?" you say with a cheeky smile.

"you can go now," he laughs and flicks his hand outward, telling you to leave. you laugh along with him before leaving.

"good day, sir. i love you," you say before closing the door. a silence fills the air now that you were gone, only the aroma of coffee and the daylight to accompany him. along with the pile of papers that is.

the heat that rushed to his cheeks could compare to the heat of the coffee cup. "she has gotta stop saying that out of nowhere."

Diluc Ragnvindr

— loving him felt sooo right
— it was like the world had matched you two perfectly. it was so perfect, it felt too good to be true
— this led to a lot of reassurances, and a lot of overthinking about whether you deserved this type of love. every time, he was always so quick to be there to remind you.
— he was always more of an action type of person. as much as he loves telling you how much he loves you, the reactions he'd get out of you when you received a gift from him was different.
— though it did take a while for you to accept that this was something you deserved, he was patient.
— just as much as he showed love to you, you made sure to do the same for him. to thank him for loving you with his whole heart and soul.

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