Waiting - Xiao

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pairing: f!reader + xiao
warning // tags: not proofread, grammatical errors, fluff!!
word count: 1213 words

You slashed through the body of a hilichurl, it's ashes flying through the air once you pulled out. Just behind you, Xiao killed the rest of what was left of the hilichurl camp.

You rested your hand on your hip and scoffed. "That was my kill."

"Take this a bit more seriously, will you?" He states before jumping off to a near tree to scout where the next camp was.

"Take this a bit more seriously, will you?" You mocked and jumped as well, following right behind him.

To explain the situation, you were an adeptus. Let's say that you were an assistant to the yakshas, protecting Liyue by killing any evil that would cause harm to the city.

Just like the yakshas, you've been around for awhile now. Long enough to experience the death of each yaksha, with only Xiao remaining.

You and Xiao haven't always gotten along, you don't have much knowledge about him either. You've stayed around long enough in each other's presence while every other yaksha was gone.

In a way, it had comforted Xiao. The idea that he wasn't alone. But one day, just all of a sudden, you had disappeared as well without any trace. He has questioned your absence but didn't further investigate on that matter.

If he was alone, he was alone. That was it.


"Traveler! Are you headed somewhere?" You question Lumine as you walk alongside her and Paimon.

"We're headed to Wangshu Inn to meet an adeptus, you wanna come?" Paimon answers and you nod happily to her offer.

An adeptus at Wangshu Inn? You hadn't heard of someone like that living amongst there. The other adepti you've met were out in the mountains or..
working on a lot of paperwork.

You, on the other hand, decided to live amongst the humans! No one knows you're an adeptus though, they all think you're just a regular and normal human.

But even with that, you didn't leave your duty to protect the people of Liyue. You didn't know if you could still call yourself an "assistant" of the yakshas after disappearing all of a sudden from the last one standing, namely Xiao.

You assumed that it wouldn't matter as much anymore, it was your own wish and desire to protect Liyue.

"You guys go on ahead, I'll stay here. Call me when you need something." You reject their offer and smile as a response, waving the two goodbye.


In the middle of a fight with Osial, who was reawakened, all adepti were summoned to the Jade Chamber to be of assistance to the others.

O mighty archons, I didn't know he'd still be alive.

You said to yourself when you appeared there and seeing Xiao. If it sounds like an insult, you were sorry. Hey, you really had no idea he'd still be around! Too harsh?

You took one good glance at him and — oh! What a coincidence, you two had just accidentally made very small eye contact. You immediately looked away in embarrassment and shame.

He's definitely thinking of something insulting and rude about me.

You sobbed just thinking what he would say to you if he ever got the chance to and you weren't gonna let that chance happen! Operation: avoid Xiao at all costs.


Once the fight had ended, the group started talking amongst each other about Liyue changing and you smiled to yourself upon their statements.

Liyue was definitely gonna be a bit more independent, a good change but you'd still willingly offer your assistance when it is much needed.

While nodding, you try your best to leave as quietly as you can. Taking small steps back until you could escape so Xiao wouldn't be able to talk to you.

You huffed out a breath once getting a few meters away from the group but alas, you had still failed. Xiao noticed you, of course.

"Y/N," He calls and you turn around with an awkward smile.

"Oh, Xiao! Heeeyyy, how are you?" You questioned. Can he tell how nervous you are? You hoped not.

He raises his eyebrow with your.. mannerism and asks you to follow him to somewhere more private to be able to talk more freely.

"Shit." You cursed to yourself but followed anyway.

He stands off of a cliff that could view most of Liyue Harbour's scenery, where both of you were gonna talk. You really hoped it wouldn't be something too bad. You also hoped he wouldn't talk about your disappearance.

"So, you've been alive this entire time?"

Splendid, he's questioning you about your disappearance. What a great start!

"Unfortunately." You sarcastically stated, he turns his head to glare at you. A warning to be serious and you clear your throat, correcting your answer. "Yes."

"You left without a word," He states the obvious and all you do as a response is nod along. "Why?"

You didn't have a proper answer for that so all you could do was stay silent and look at the scenery, trying to hint to him that you weren't gonna answer.

He sighs, picking up your body language and he looks away.

"You could've at least told me," He mumbles under his breath. "I would've waited for you."

Oh you definitely heard that alright, seems like he's not good at hiding his feelings.

You smile to yourself and nudge him a bit with your elbow. "Hey, I missed you too."

"I don't miss you! Get over yourself." Flushed and embarrassed, he pushes you away as you laugh while stumbling.

—— moments later

"Xiao," You called out, a plate of almond tofu resting on your palms as you waited for him.

Let's say you two are very good friends now (possibly more but Xiao won't admit to it so) and you visit him frequently at Wangshu Inn to give him a break.

Verr Goldet and others from the inn have actually grown fond of you for this, seems like you were the only other person that could get Xiao to appear aside from Lumine.

"I brought almond tofu." You said and in the blink of an eye, there he was standing in front of you from the wooden railings with his arms crossed.

"Hello to you too." He lowers himself and kisses you on the lips as you both smile in it.

You both squat down on the wooden floor and eat your meals. You talk to Xiao about the things that have been happening, even bringing up about that Stove God.

"Oh right, Xiangling made me taste her cooking."

"She called you?" You guessed, still munching on the food.

"No, Lumine did."

"Same, I'd appear for her too." You smile at him with cheeks full of food, making you look like a chipmunk and a small chuckle erupts from Xiao.

"Thanks for waiting for me." He says in a small voice, showing appreciation for what you've done for him.

"If you can endure thousands of years waiting for me to come back, a few minutes or hours shouldn't be too bad." You smile endearingly at him and he feels himself get flustered from merely your words.

How weird, he thought. But he'll get used to it, for you.

can you guys tell i added a she-ra reference in this,, today was just not a good day anyways stan itzy 🤞

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