is that what you look like? - alhaitham

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— inspired by @franeridart on tumblr ! you can guess from what ship i took inspiration from HEHE

pairing : gn!reader + alhaitham
warnings // tags : fluff, probably doesn't make any sense, drabble, CHARACTERIZATION MAY NOT BE ACCURATE, events may also not align, not proofread
word count : 1110 words

alhaitham's eyes have grown accustomed to the comforts of the darkness of the night and his home when he studies. it's all he's ever dedicated himself to. this lead to his eyes being particularly sensitive to the light, so much so that he has to squint whenever he goes out. if he doesn't, the pain pricks at his eyes like tiny needles.

his grandmother was greatly worried about his eyes' condition and thus, she suggested wrapping a blindfold around his head to cover his eyes. it was handwoven from a type of cloth that she knew would be comfortable for him. it didn't take long for alhaitham to grow attached to it.

after his grandmother's passing, he got into the akademiya, and sure enough, the blindfold made a few students' heads turn, but it didn't matter to him. it's not like he cared for everyone else's opinion.

how does he see? you may ask. he sees through elemental energy. he's practiced himself enough to be able to see through his elemental energy. it has become his second pair of eyes.

although he is more comfortable using his elemental energy to see when out in broad daylight, he can't help but miss the feeling of being able to see with his actual eyes. the view through the lenses of his own is far different from when using elemental energy.

perhaps this person also wanted the same for him? referring to you as just this person feels incorrect. y/n, the vahumana's soon-to-be scholar, has always been rather fond of being near him. they oftentimes endlessly stares at the blindfold that it's got alhaitham actually feeling bothered by it.

perhaps it is simply your curiosity that makes you want to stay close to alhaitham. but, you never do ask. you felt like it was too insensitive to do so.

"if you're gonna keep staring at me like that, you might as well just burn a hole through my skull." alhaitham finally voices out as he continues reading his books like he always does. he wonders why the vahumana student insists on keeping him company, it's not like he needs it.

"i just sometimes wonder what you look like under that blindfold." you respond, getting back up from your position of laying your head down on your arms. you returns your attention to the books on the table, regaining your focus on studying. "i've only ever seen you with it on."

"would you like me to suffer the pain of the light in my eyes instead?"

"i didn't mean it like that! you stay here until the evening and yet you continue wearing the blindfold. i can't help but wonder how it feels wearing a blindfold at all times, and relying on elemental sight for my vision." it was a statement made out of genuine curiosity. you hoped it didn't sound like anything else.

"if you wanted to see my eyes, you could've just said so." alhaitham replies. after such a genuine statement, that's all he replies?!

irritated by such a fact, your curiosity immediately dissipates and the irked look on your face is evident. "don't flatter yourself."

alhaitham has always made it a habit to study in the library (accompanied by you) once night fell, it would be safe for him to remove his blindfold right now as the light is dim enough to not hurt his eyes. additionally, he wants to rest his elemental abilities as well. he might as well just remove the blindfold.

the junior quietly unties the blindfold from around his head, unbeknownst to you since you were too busy immersing yourself back into the books you were reading. you were someone who could point out beauty when it's seated right in front of you, which made you suddenly think whilst you were reading. alhaitham has potential. i feel like he'd be even more attractive if people could see him underneath that blindfold.

"hey, alhaitham—" your words immediately cut off once he looked up from his books. you were immediately faced by the studious student's mysterious eyes, your first ever time having laid eyes on alhaitham's.

you were surprised, to say the least. it felt like alhaitham had read your mind and he took off his blindfold immediately due to your thoughts. granted, your previous statements did make it sound like you wanted to see what was underneath alhaitham's blindfold. nonetheless, you were struck in awe. it was as if sparkles floated around alhaitham as you continued to gawk and stare in admiration.

alhaitham, having sensed your unending gaze, speaks up. "are you done staring?"

"that's what you look like?" you question.

it seems to have come off as something more blunt. well, you can't really blame alhaitham for thinking so when you consider how much the two of you bicker and argue. "do you have a problem with what i look like?" he asks with a raised brow.

it takes a momentary pause before you respond with a smile, one that barely stretches up to you cheeks, one that doesn't show your teeth. your cheeks almost look like they were turning pink. "not at all. i was right! you really are an attractive person."

if alhaitham didn't have a crush before, he sure did now. the soon-to-be-scholar's words were like the cherry on top for him to fall over a pit of realization. a realization that he liked his senior.

corny as it may be, but alhaitham was equally as surprised as you were once he saw the your unexpectedly gorgeous face. it was as if your features were drawn with fine hands, each stroke done so carefully and gently with love. the warmth you radiated was different from what his elemental sight told him.

the views that alhaitham could see with his own to eyes really is far more different from the usual blurred effect of his elemental sight. seeing you as you was... everything. it was love at first sight.

the two of you shortly returned to your studies after that moment like you were trying to ignore what had just occurred. it was merely the beginning of your bond and neither of you knew it. or you felt it, who knows?

this is such a weird concept honestly... this wasn't even how it's supposed to go but yk what atp i dont care

[EDITED] because u guys clearly are allergic to ship chapters ^^;

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