Eyes here - Itto

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pairing : gn!reader + arataki itto
warnings // tags : cop!reader, fluff, humour, flirty + i h8 you trope i guess?, not proofread
word count : 2155 words

"Officer Y/N," You heard your name called as you worked behind your table, looking through papers and the such. You lowered them down to see who called for you, sounding a 'hm?'

"We've got news about him again." They continued, placing another file of papers onto your already full desk. You sighed, not even looking at the contents of the file.

It's gotta be that stupid oni running around causing mischief again! It's like he wants to be put in jail. Well, here's some news for him; you're not enjoying it! He may be having a fun time running around always causing trouble but, it's not fun catching him, y'know! Plus, it only adds up to your paperwork, that doesn't make it any better.

"I've got more important things to deal with, let someone else do it." You insisted, shooing away the file and opting them to look for someone else. They didn't listen though, they stayed at their exact same position, ready to say more. Another sigh leaves your lips.

"We've already tried commissioning Aether for it, he agreed but he still hasn't returned with the oni. The report says a theft has occurred for food and water." They continue to explain to which you sighed and groaned, massaging your temples lightly.

"Well, if Aether agreed with the commission, then it's fine. Exercise patience and that oni will be back behind bars, m'kay?" You smile up at the officer before returning to your work.

"But, Officer Y/N, it seems that the two of them are working together." You stopped reading and dropped the papers to your table, looking up at your co-worker with a raised eyebrow.


"Itto, we were commissioned to bring you back, not to help you steal these!" Paimon exclaimed whilst floating between Aether and Itto, who carried boxes on the way to where Itto and his gang stayed.

"This is a one-time thing, I'm doing this because you guys need it. But, if Y/N gets word about this..." Aether trails off, dropping the boxes carefully on the ground once they arrived. He huffs out a breath and wipes away his sweat. "I won't be able to help you with that."

Paimon nods along with an agreeing hum. "Y/N's really scary when serious. Paimon doubts Aether will be able to escape Y/N's interrogation knowing he helped."

"Hey, Paimon, you're in on this too."

"Am not!"

"You're here now!"

"It doesn't count when Paimon isn't carrying any boxes!" She crosses her small arms and turns her head away with a pout and a 'hmph!'.

"Count in on what exactly?" Your voice interrupted the three of them. Aether and Paimon almost jumped in surprise hearing you, straightening their postures for a second before relaxing just to seem natural.

You knew exactly what these two were doing here but, you'll save it for another time. Your focus right now was on the red horned oni that stood in front of you with a big smile etched on his face as he leaned on the crates, placing his chin on the palm of his hands.

"Y/N! We were just about to... uh... send in Itto!" Paimon attempts to come up with an excuse.

"And yet I still had to come here to get him myself," You click your tongue and tilt your head at Paimon and Aether. "Getting a lil' sloppy? Or were you helping him?"

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