fam pic!! - Childe

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related to the chapter: Home - Zhongli
got the idea from commenter @4CappucinoBear

character included : childe/ajax
pairing : f!reader + zhongli
warnings // tags : fluff, babysitter childe 💗, modern!au, not proofread

You and your husband thought of taking the time to go on a vacation with just the two of you because it had been a while since you two have been in the presence of one another alone. Your two children, a seven-year-old, and a five-year-old would always be so quick to come into your room and ruin the moment!

So, you thought that you two should take a small vacation for each other. Zhongli was okay with it, of course. He's been wanting to have you all to himself, his children have been hogging you all to themselves and it wasn't fair!

Though both of you agreed, you two also worried about... a lot of things. The main big problem was who would watch over the two. Venti wasn't gonna be available for a while due to him going on a world tour with his group, and the blonde twins had just left for a different country to travel to.

"We haven't tried Childe yet, have we?" Zhongli questioned, just to make sure. You both were seated at the kitchen table, the vacation already planned and fully prepared for the day. It was just the kids you two were worrying about now.

You shake your head in response to your husband. "We haven't actually. The kids loved him, didn't they? Let's try asking."

Zhongli nods and dials a number on his phone, calling the ginger-haired boy. It didn't take long before he decided to answer with a [Hello!].

"Hello, Ajax. May I ask for a favour?"

[Oh? The Zhongli is asking me for a favour? Why, of course! What is it?]

"Could you watch over our kids for about a week? Me and my wife are going on a vacation alone, and we need someone to watch over them." Zhongli explained whilst looking at you as you nod along.

[Woah, a vacation by yourselves?] You can practically hear the teasing smile in his voice.

"Hey, it's not what you think. We just want some alone time." You butted in and stated to him with a grin.

[What kind of alone time!] He exclaimed, it made you laugh. [Jokes aside, I'd be happy to watch over the two. When should I be coming over?]

You set a date of when he should come over, just the same day you and your husband could leave for your vacation. Childe agrees easily with a huge smile. He couldn't wait to see the kids, he loved your two children!


The bags you had prepared were now ready, everything was all set. You've already explained to your children that the you both were gonna go on a vacation for awhile and promised them that you'd return.

It took awhile to console them because: one, they wanted to come along with the two of you, and two, they really thought that you'd both leave for good, which wasn't the case at all! So, they eventually had a lot of candies and played a lot with them.

As the kids were watching TV, you both now waited for their babysitter to arrive. He should be arriving soon, hopefully. You wouldn't wanna be late for the flight.

"Oh!" You exclaim once hearing the doorbell ring, walking up to it and opening the door to reveal the ginger haired man, who was grinning widely.

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