Lost - Cyno

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a/n: i actually have no idea what his personalty is like since there is BARELY any information on him other than him showing up on chapter 12 in the manga, being an aloof person, and being a student of Sumeru Academia. so- this is my very vague guess on how I think he would act like.

Pairing: gn!reader + Cyno
Warning: not proofread, grammatical errors, fluff (?)
Word count: 2007 words

"Well, shit. I'm lost." You cursed to yourself, standing idly in a forest.

You were just walking down a path after exploring the area you were familiar of, but once realizing that you had no idea where the path lead to, you were too late and were already too deep into the forest.

It was already night time as well, you hoped and prayed to the archons that there weren't much hilichurl camps around the area you were in right now.

Should you wait 'til morning? Should you go look for a shelter? Should you just stay put until a person finds you?

You honestly had no idea, you weren't an adventurer!

You sighed to yourself, continuing to walk to wherever your feet had lead you to. In hopes of finding a shelter or even a person, your feet guided you.

Hearing a few rustles of the bushes here and there, trying your best not to squeal out of fear and convince yourself that it was nothing but animals.

"Okay, I can do this." You recited to yourself like a chant, repeating it over and over to reassure yourself that you were okay and that there was nothing to be afraid of.

The rustling began to get aggressive and with so much willpower of ignoring it, you did and continue to walk. But, the rustling continued, nearing, like it was following you.

You chuckled nervously to yourself, turning to the source of the rustling an saying, "You can come out now."

You stood there stupidly waiting for it to come out. The familiar furry features started to poke out of the bush, fear started to wash over you.

You wanted to run, it was a hilichurl. You wanted to get away as fast as you could and save yourself but your feet wasn't listening. It was glued to the ground.

Fear forced you to stay put and your body listened willingly. The hilichurl held a thick stick that was engulfed in fire, walking towards you in a slow, intimidating pace.

It was accompanied by other hilichurls, surrounding you and putting you in a corner.

You were scared for your life, tears threatening to roll down your face, waiting so fearfully for their attack.

They readied for one and was about to attack you, squeezing your eyes shut, acting as if if they weren't gonna see you then they wouldn't see you either.

That was stupid, you knew that but it wouldn't hurt to try?

You screamed in anticipation, your scream going in a high tone at the end in a questioning matter because the attack you had so fearfully anticipated never came.

You opened one of your eyes and realize that they were gone, you weren't surrounded anymore. You looked around and see their corpses fading away into ashes.

Then, you see the figure stand just a few feet away from you. It was a boy who wore Arabian-like clothes, with a headpiece you assumed was Egyptian.

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