Meow - Albedo

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request made by reader @BlahBlehBloop_Jr , i do hope you like it!!

pairing : gn!reader + albedo kreideprinz
warnings // tags : fluff, cat reader <3, EDITED, not proofread
word count:

You woke up feeling all hot and heavy, all your clothes felt like thick blankets being topped onto each other. You struggled around your bed before your eyes opened wide. You couldn't take it anymore! The heat was too much for you to handle!

Assuming this was one horrible fever you caught, you went to the kitchen to look for your thermometer. The crickets were oddly loud tonight, why is that? They aren't usually this loud. It shocked you that you could see in the dark, too. You didn't even bother to turn on the lights.

"Here it is," You turned on the thermometer and waited for it to beep. After waiting for a few seconds, it sounded off and you looked at it. "Shit, 37.8 degrees hot."

You grabbed your medicine and a cup of water, drinking it before going to the bathroom to wash your face so your body can cool down a bit. You could feel your heart drop to your knees upon seeing your reflection. What the fuck! No wonder the crickets were so loud! And the reason you can see in the dark? It was because of... this!

"What the hell, what the hell, what the hell!" You exclaimed, touching your face all over. Touching your new cat ears and flinching from the touch, looking at your backside and there your tail swayed.

Why is this happening? When did it happen? How?! There were too many questions left unanswered in your head right now, it was causing you a headache. You clutched your head in pain upon feeling the awful pang. You'll deal with this later, you need to lower your body's temperature first.

While you're washing your face, it suddenly clicked. "Albedo's experiment!" It must've been that! Maybe it was the mist? But, why did it take awhile for it to take effect? How long is the effect going to last?

Argh! The headache reminded you to think of it later and you had no other choice but to listen. Later it is, you needed to rest now.

— —

You awoke from your sleep to the sun shining through your windows. You got up and took a short shower before changing into comfortable clothes, ones that wouldn't cause you to feel even worst. Maybe your fever was connected to your transformation, which meant you needed to see that alchemist right away.

There was a high possibility he would be in Dragonspine, which is not a good idea for someone with a fever. You'd need to ask around the Knights of Favonius before resorting to visiting him in the mountains.

The guards let you in easily, though they did worry because of how awfully bedridden you looked. They also gave you weird stares because, y'know... ears and the tail. You just waved it off though and gave them an assuring smile.

"Good morning, Y/N! Oh... you don't look very good, dear. Is there anything I can help you with?" Lisa greets you, placing her hand on the small of your back comfortingly.

"Thank you, I wanted to ask where your chief alchemist is?" You asked, voice hoarse and dry. The fever has effected you far too much, you needed care this instant.

"Albedo? Unfortunately, I do not know of his whereabouts. The best bet would be Dragonspine but, you're in no condition to be going there." She says in worry and you can't help but let out a sigh. That's exactly what you were thinking about just now.

"Fortunate for you, I just got back from my work there," The familiar voice of Albedo chimes in after a door closes. You turned around so quick, your ears perked up and your tail swung in anticipation. Finally!

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