i missed youuu!

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— some characters will be done separately, some characters will be joined in the same scenario <3
— this is the most characters i've written in a single chapter

characters : amber, lisa, diluc, kaeya, venti, jean, klee, albedo, zhongli, xiao, and itto
warnings // tags : self-indulgent, mountains of fluff, hint of comfort, probably repetitive, not proofread
word count : 3589 words

you breathed in the air of the city you were most familiar with. you breathed a deep sigh of relief once you finally got back home, you felt like crying even! it's been way too long... all these months spent exploring, you were getting homesick. and now, here you were... home sweet home!

—— outrider amber, reporting for duty!

you quickly rushed your way to the headquarters of the very first people you met in the city of freedom. the knights of favonius! you couldn't even make a choice between bursting through the doors or quietly making an entrance with a wide smile on your face.

you decided to go with the former. the guards that stood in front of the doors looked at you with genuine shock, realization hitting that you were back. you gave them a big, happy, excited grin before pushing through the doors, which they were fine with. they knew how excited you must've been to be back.

there was no one in the hall, as expected probably. other than amber, she immediately stood back and aimed her bow and arrow at you with your sudden entrance. thus, it resulted her to drop the pile of books she was carrying.

you heaved heavily, tired from running all the way to here. "amber!"

her eyes sparkled and she immediately dropped her weapon to come hug you. "you're back!" she exclaimed with a big smile on her face, one that mirrored yours.

you laughed heartily and sunk your face within her embrace, you didn't want to let go. "i missed you so much."

—— an unexpected visitor at the library

lisa yawned as she entered her library, expecting that it'd be another normal day for her to be spent lounging around and doing... nothing. she sits down at her usual spot, opening a book that she hopes she hasn't read before.

she hears a few books fall to the floor with a loud thump, it was quickly followed with an apology said in a whisper-yell. who was making all that noise? they've arrived before the librarian has even set foot in the library. that usually isn't allowed.

suspecting that an unknown identity has infiltrated her library, she prepares for combat whilst walking towards the direction of the source of the noise. "last i checked, visitors weren't allowed this early in the morning?"

silence fills the air for a moment and lisa continues to investigate the area with cautious eyes.

"boo!" you exclaim from just behind her, nearly avoiding a painful electrocution when she held herself back. thankfully! "yikes, sorry about that. i just wanted to surprise you!"

"little cutie..? you're back?" she questions as if she can't believe. but, once reality settles in, a surge of happiness and relief comes washing over her and she's now all over you, enwrapping you within her embrace.

"lisa~ i missed you so much..." you wrapped your arms around her too, you hugged her so tightly to make sure that you wouldn't let her go.

"little cutie, how i missed you. don't go leaving yet, okay? i have a lot i wanna show you!" she finally releases you from the hug, holding your shoulders as she gives you that smile once again.

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