One and Alone - Aether

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requested by reader @_bxdbxd_ back in September 2021, i do apologize that it took an entire year and a month for me to get to this... ( TT )

pairing : f!reader + Aether
warnings // tags : loneliness, angst/comfort, not proofread
word count : 1445 words

The renowned blonde-haired traveler had finally returned to Mondstadt after traveling around the world for so long. In celebration of his presence, they held a welcoming party. You were sure that he wasn't gonna stay long to continue looking for his sibling but regardless, they still celebrated his short stay.

You stared in envy as people gathered around him, people greeting him and smiling as they walked past him. You remembered how you first arrived in Mondstadt, it was lonely. Everyone looked at you with judging glances, you didn't even know why. You did your best to appeal to them for years. By now, everyone already knows you and speaks of your name with admiration.

But, it wasn't the same as how everyone treated him. Of course, you're glad that he saved your home from what could've been a catastrophe... you were just a little sad that he got that treatment. The people of Mondstadt were capable of accepting, just... not with you. You were the one they needed to accept first before accepting others.

So, as you watched them all talk amongst themselves, you quietly exited the crowd and headed for the balcony. You sighed heavily, feeling the cold air embrace you in a hug as the winds softly passed you. The night sky was clear, as you stared up at the bright moon and the beautiful stars that accompanied it.

Aether, who wanted to take a breather from the never-ending chatters of the Mondstadt crowd, tried to look for comfort on the balcony. He left all the talking to Paimon.

A surprised expression dances along his features, it soon settles as he walks towards the railings, a distance away from where you stood. He wouldn't dare to look at you, he was bashful. More so in your presence, it seems.

"The stars shine brightly tonight." He says, trying to start a conversation with you. He was curious about how you would react, how you'd speak, how you'd act around him. Would his accomplishments be the first thing you say about him?

You smile as a chuckle leaves your lips like a whisper to the night. "They're beautiful."

This time, he finally dares to look at you. He couldn't help but take in your appearance; how the moonlight highlighted your features, how the moonlit night only made you look like an angel. Perhaps he praised you too much in his mind, it'd be embarrassing if you heard what his thoughts said about you.

"What's a lonely lady like you doing out here?" He asks.

You turn your head to him and give him a smirk, raising an eyebrow at the yellow-haired boy. "And what's the renowned hero of Mondstadt doing here instead of where the crowd is?" You question in return.

He chuckles awkwardly, head leaning down to hide his face in embarrassment. "I just needed a little breather... what about you?"

"Hm," You hum, thinking it over. There were a lot of feelings welling up inside you due to this party... were you willing to spill all your thoughts and secrets to him? You face him and place your chin on the palm of your hand. "It's pretty long. Are you willing to listen? "

You decided that you should tell him. You appreciate the way he positions himself properly to listen to you, his full attention was on you.

"I don't belong here... it took me a while to get used to Mondstadt, it also took them a while to get used to me. Even now, I feel like I have no place here. Though most of the Mondstadters now speak of me as a good friend, I never truly feel like I have a deeper bond with the people here." You explain, turning around and leaning your back on the railings, arm resting on the rail as support. You looked at them longingly. How you wished to be having fun instead of moping around like this with Mondstadt's hero.

You try to lift the mood by laughing a little, giving him a sorry smile. "Sorry, did I speak too much?"

You're surprised to see the genuine kindness in his eyes, they were so honest and pure. It took you aback. "Not at all, keep going. I'm listening." He urged with a slight smile.

"Um," You stammered a bit, almost forgetting what to say. Shit, you cursed. He was so... god, would words even be enough to describe him?

You attempt to gather your thoughts once more and sighed. "Though there are some times when I feel appreciated in the crowds of Mondstadt, there's just this feeling in my heart that tugs in my chest that reminds me I'm not one of them. I never would be. In a crowd of Mondstadters, I stand alone. I was just someone in between, never someone who had someone by my side."

You couldn't help but stare down at your hands, rubbing at them softly in a way to calm yourself down, to hold yourself back from the tears that could fall. You took another deep sigh, leaning your head back as you faced the sky, looking at the stars that adorned the night sky once more. "That's why I'm out here, instead of in there. That was quite long, I apologize."

You chuckled and sat down on the bench with a smile to cheer yourself up, only looking at the crowd now. You feel lighter, just a little bit.

You could see from your peripheral vision that Aether stared solemnly at the scenery in front of him, which was understandable. The view showed the beautiful Windrise tree and the entirety of what was beyond Mondstadt City's walls.

"You shouldn't apologize for speaking about your feelings, Y/N. Sharing them is a brave act," He oversees the scenery, his head making a slow turn until his eyes land on to yours. "Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me."

He smiles, walking towards the bench. You scoot a bit to the left to give him space, he grunts a little as he sits himself down next to you. You both now look at the party happening inside, never-ending chatter and music playing inside. The cheers to good wine happen once more with Venti leading, from what you could hear.

"Y/N, you needn't forget that you being in between the people of Mondstadt doesn't mean you are lonely. It means you stand out, and for people to speak of your name as a good friend proves that you've become important in their lives." He says, full of assurance.

Your heart melted, one more push and you were gonna cry at this point. Well, your eyes were already starting to look glossy. You're sure he's noticed, he just hasn't pointed it out yet.

"You may not be a Mondstadter by blood," He turns his head and holds your hands, looking at them and giving them a nice squeeze before looking up at your eyes. "But, you are a Mondstadter at heart." He smiles.

The tears formed, some had already started sliding down your cheek. You sniffled quietly. "You really are Mondstadt's hero, huh."

He chuckles, eyes closing and his nose scrunching a bit. "I'm not speaking as Mondstadt's hero, Y/N. I'm speaking as Aether. Me, myself, and I." 

"Stop..! You're gonna make me cry more." You hide behind your hands but, he moves them away from your face. He wipes your tears away as gently as he could, the reassuring smile still plastered on his face and you couldn't help yourself but stare at him.

"I'm sure the Anemo Archon considers you as one of his anyway." He adds, putting your hair behind your ear.

In the main hall, both of you could hear how his name was called to the stage. It was his cue to leave and so, he stood up. "May the wind guide you, m'lady." He bids adieu with a bow.

Your envy for what he had dissipated and all that was left now was admiration and awe. He was amazing at what he does and you admired him for his sincerity. Not a single word that left his mouth had any hesitations or insincerity in it. He was honest in everything he does.

His words would engrave deeply in your heart.

this didnt have as much oomph as i wanted it to have but anyway,, i kinda hope this does well to quell your feelings of loneliness 💗

(i should be sad more often, i had some banger dialogue ideas for this)

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