you're not my type - Itto

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pairing : gn!reader + arataki itto
warnings // tags : almost drowning, drabble, not proofread
word count : 910 words

you weren't one to believe in fiction such as mermaids and unicorns but as you are now beneath the surface of the water, you pleaded desperately to whatever was lurking in the ocean to come and save you. if not save, then eat you up! you didn't care, you just didn't want to be struggling to breathe right now!

you felt your consciousness slowly leave your body, the breath of bubbles leaving your mouth. you could see the silhouette of a shark fin further in the distance and you were thankful, just a little. maybe that small desperate prayer you had worked. as you blacked out, you decided to just accept your fate.



you opened your eyes and sat up to see the setting sun in front of you. were you perhaps dead now? are you in heaven?

"where am I?" you questioned quietly, looking around. seemed like the beach? wait, hang on, why would heaven look like the beach?

"oh, thank the archons, you're alive! please don't swim around like that by yourself, you could've died. you're lucky I saw you out in the open like that... well, i thought you were food but you were not so," you heard a voice speak and you looked at who it was. you let out the most ear-piercing shriek, you almost swore it could be in a murder documentary.

you shuffled away from the... thing. legs too weak to even let you run due to the whole 'almost dying' thing. "w-what are you?! don't hurt me!"

the... man (?) had white spiked hair and red streaks, the length that went down to his back. attractive, you'd have to say. buff too. for a moment, you'd almost forgotten this was some shark merman!

"um, hello? of course, i won't hurt you, i even saved your life! you're not exactly my type of food anyway. not worth the effort, y'know?" he said, almost sassily whilst picking on his sharp-pointed teeth.

you can't tell if this thing was picky with its food, that's why he didn't eat you, or that's just how his type of people feeds. wait, his type of people?  the possibility that there could be even more of him somehow scared you even further!

"wow, i'm not your type of food and i'm not worth the effort? i can give you a bite of me right now and you'll have the best meal of your life!" you opted and showed him your arm, for some weird reason. perhaps you were offended because he didn't wanna eat you when truly you're supposed to be thankful.

he looked at your arm before a booming laugh sounded from him. he shakes his arms in the air as a gesture of denial and with a giggle he says. "humans are not my thing. unless you wanna be eaten so bad, i can put a reservation for you with a friend of mine, the great white."

"you look like you'd be a great white."

"well, you're very lucky i'm not. we have class too, y'know! we don't just go around biting humans."

"well, i'm sorry but, your shark friends and us humans didn't exactly have the best history together," you reply in return, slowly getting closer to him. he wasn't all that scary that you'd make him out to be. maybe it was the same situation with every other shark.

"and it's all because of those stupid movies!" he gestures while flailing his hands around in the air, rolling his eyes. "not all of them are bad, some can be very sweet and friendly. they're just put in a bad light, that's all," he adds.

a moment of silence comes after his small rant. you pull your knees to your chest and just stare at the sky that had darkened in front of you. the night was falling and for sure it was time for you to get home.

you take one more look at the shark merman beside you and observe his features. his beautiful red, fiery eyes. his refined jaw fit for hunting. his spiky hair just added more character to him. you didn't even wanna think about looking at his body, perhaps you'd be drooling.

"will i ever see you again?" you say quietly, almost in a whisper. you didn't know you'd be looking forward to his unusual presence again.

he looks at you and gives you a cheeky smile. "if you drown again, maybe."

your eyebrows furrow in annoyance and you turn your body away from him. "i thought you didn't want me swimming around by myself like that anymore?"

"i was kidding! of course, i don't want you to drown... again. but, we'll see." he dives into the ocean with a splash. you'd almost feel offended 'cause it felt like he was doing it on purpose but you let it go anyway.

you never got to introduce yourself to him. or thank him for saving your life either. you wished that you'll be able to see him again, just to be able to thank him or to know his name. this was not how you expected to be saved from drowning at all!

"oh, and by the way," the familiar voice speaks, his head poking out from the water.

"the name's arataki itto." he winks before disappearing into the ocean once more.

arataki itto. you'll remember that for sure.

i love itto sm,, but he better stop occupying my head because i wanna write abt other charas too 😡

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