Kisses - Lisa

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a/n: gender neutral reader but this was written with the idea of a female reader!!
Pairing: gn!reader + Lisa
Warnings: not proofread, grammatical errors, a guy somewhat forces you to drink with him, the guy pushes you, fluff!!
Word count: 2413 words

You came in through the doors with the ring of the chime, the smell of books greeting you whilst the sound of quiet pattering of footsteps ring in your ears.

Absolute peace and calmness washed over your body. The perfect place to relax in whilst the day is hot and sunny! Who would want to be outside at such a weather? The sun burns, like it's biting.

You immediately look around the deeper part of the library where not a lot roam around, you've read through most of the other stuff in the library so they'd probably bore you.

You hum through the many choices you have, looking up at the shelves and bending down to see what was at the bottom. Absolutely ignoring the fact that there were eyes lingering on you for a much longer time than usual, like someone was staring.

"Hello, cutie." A voice, seductive as it could be, greeted. You turned your head to the side to be met with emerald green eyes, glinting in excitement and curiosity.

"Sorry, do I know you?" You questioned her, raising your eyebrow. The woman laughed heartily.

"I suggest this one, cutie." She traces the spine of a specific book that was just above you, trapping you in front of her as she reached for it.

It definitely seemed like she was doing this on purpose, who the hell reaches for a book whilst trapping someone underneath them?

She hands you the book afterwards with a smile as you stared down at it with suspicion. Well, it seemed ordinary enough. Why does she keep eyeing you like that? Is she gonna somehow flirt with you by talking about the secrets of the abyss or something?

"Thank you..." Your tone stretches out a bit before walking towards the tables to read the book she had recommended. She followed just behind you.

Let's just act like this person isn't a weirdo, yeah? They must be... a common visitor in the library that you haven't seen much! Yeah, that must be it. Nothing else.

"Y'know, I've never seen a lot of people go to the restricted section," She starts a conversation with you and all your awkward ass could do was raise an eyebrow, of course, still suspicious.

"Any reason why you went there, little cutie?" She questions.

"Nothing a stranger should be that much interested in."

"Ooh, you're a sassy one. I like you already, cutie!" She giggles. "My name's Lisa, I'm the librarian here."

You've done messed up. You just talked to the librarian with that tone! You should really watch your mouth a bit more. Then again, she did act a lot like a weirdo and you were just being defensive so you're not really in the wrong here.

"Miss Lisa!" A blonde woman calls for her at the library's door as she turns around to approach her. But, before she could leave, she leans down to your level and kisses your cheek.

"Come visit the library a bit more, cutie."

On that day, she gave you a kiss on the cheek, to greet you hello.


You definitely made your visits much more frequent after meeting Miss Librarian. No! It definitely wasn't because you think she was attractive or anything, you were there for the books and nothing else. Definitely for the books.

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