unexpected love - neuvillette

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i want to try a new writing style

pairing : f!reader + neuvillette
warnings // tags : modern!au, drunk reader, strangers, drabble, short, probably ooc, grammatical errors
word count : 1433 words

I once met this girl at a club that I had decided to visit during the evening. My colleagues have long since suggested that I try my luck at finding something fun to do at such a place, I took upon their suggestions and went to the said club. It was loud; the lights were blaring, the music was booming, the crowd was suffocating, the scent of alcohol roamed the air like a thick fog.

The scenery intimidated me, but I pushed on through with the decision that I wanted a drink. I was thirsty, and an alcoholic beverage would perhaps get me in the mood to roam around amongst many others in the dance floor.

"White wine, please." I requested from the bartender. She quickly nodded before we were so loudly interrupted by loud sobbing just a few stools away from where I stood. The bartender and I exchanged glances as if holding a conversation, she shrugged her shoulders to tell me that she had not known this woman, then finally left to make my drink.

I contemplated whether or not I should entertain her thoughts and question why she had been sobbing and whining, but another thought occurred to me that it was probably something I had no business prying my nose into. I chose my peace with the latter option.

"Putangina! Unexpected love?! Seriously?! In just a few months, he had already found unexpected love?!" She complained in between her cries, I dared not to look at her. She, on the other hand, had a different idea, she looked to the nearest person available and... decided to relay her problems to me. "What kind of bullshit is that?!"

The look on her face; the glossy and puffy eyes, the red cheeks, her slurred speech, her drowsy actions. How long had she been staying in the club and drinking her sorrows away? It was a pitiful look, I felt bad seeing her in such a state despite us being strangers. Perhaps I should offer some form of understanding of her situation. "Is it truly so awful that it has you drinking away at this place?"

"Yes!" She exclaimed without hesitation. She stood up from her stool, grabbed her drink and bottle, walked closer and sat just one stool apart from mine. I enjoyed that minimal action, she knew her boundaries even during her drunken state. "Listen, how would you react if your ex had been giving you signs that they miss you and all of a sudden, months later, they say they have someone new and title it as 'unexpected love'?!"

I blinked at the situation she had suggested for me to envision. "...Bullshit?" I merely repeated the words she had uttered to herself whilst she was rambling. But, I knew it would be enough for her to resonate with.

"Exactly!" She exclaimed once again, pointing at me aggressively. She was happy that finally, finally, someone could vouch for how she felt. It was clearer to me now that she merely needed someone to validate how she felt about her situation; she wanted a second opinion.

It didn't take long before my white wine was finally served to me, I thanked the bartender with a smile and I could quickly spot the way she eyed the woman next to me. I could only chuckle, perhaps it was concern that the woman had been forcefully talking to me. She had no reason to worry though, I know how to handle a woman.

The drunk lady continued to ramble on about her heartbreak, though most of her words were slipping past me, I could tell that talking had lessen the tears she was shedding. I drank from my white wine, surprisingly pleased by the taste. Perhaps I should broaden my choices when coming to a club, this wouldn't be enough to help me socialize on the dance floor... Not that I would require myself to.

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