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My nerves were getting the best of me as I sat on the couch, my knees bouncing. Ezra was currently in the kitchen preparing dinner for himself, me and my brother. We invited Mike over for dinner, partly because I hadn't seen him in about a week and a half, but mainly because I had to talk to him about the Spencer, Hanna and Emily's theory of him being blackmailed by 'A'. 

"You're nervous." Ezra said as he walked out of the kitchen.

"Of course, I'm nervous. I'm about to bombard my baby brother with questions about 'A'.

Ezra walked over to the couch and sat down next to me. He placed one of his hands on my knee to stop it from bouncing.

"Aria, you have to calm down a little. Stress isn't good for the baby." he cooed.

I stopped bouncing my knees and let out a long sigh.

"I know. It's just with everything that's going on, with the pregnancy, school, my dad not supporting me in my decisions, my brother, 'A', it's just - I'm sorry."

"Hey, what did I tell you the night you conceived our baby?" Ezra asked with raised eyebrows.

"That you don't ever want to hear me say I'm sorry again." I recalled.


"I'm sor-"

"Aria!" he scolded.

I looked down to the ground and laughed. 

I started thinking about more name ideas for Ezra and my unborn daughter then I remembered the name Spencer had given me yesterday. I still like the name 'Destiny' and it does have meaning but I'm not sure if I want to call our baby that. 

"Oh, Ezra. I had another idea for a name but I don't know if i want to name our daughter that." I elucidated.

"Okay. What was the name?"

"Destiny, but the reason is kinda cheesy." I said with a scrunched up nose.

"Let me guess, because this baby is our destiny?"

I nodded my head with pursed lips. Ezra let our a small laugh.

"I had an idea for the play room." Ezra commented.


"Well, I know that we started to paint it pink yesterday, but I was thinking that since her bedroom is pink, we should make the playroom themed.

"I love that idea!" I sympathized.

"I'm glad.

"Do you have any theme ideas?" I asked him.

"One good one.

"Tell me."

"Alice In Wonderland. We could paint the walls to look like Wonderland with the Cheshire cat's eyes and smile peering through the trees. The floor could be carpeted green to represent grass. Then we could get a life sized teddy of the white rabbit. Paint a rose bush to represent the Queen Of Hearts. And of course, our daughter will be Alice, but with a different name, and most likely, a different hair color." he detailed his suggestion.

I let my smile overtake my face as I thought about the theme suggestion.

"That's perfect!" I squealed.

Ezra smiled at me then took one of my hands and kissed it.

"I'd better get back to dinner." he told me.

It's A Girl - Ezria Pregnancy Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now