Ice Ball

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*The Next Evening*

I was in the bathroom getting ready for the ice ball. I was trying to zip up the back of the dress that Ezra bought me on when my phone started ringing. It was Spencer so I answered.

"Hey, Spence, what's up?" I ask her.

"Do you still think that Alison is 'A'?" she asked.

"Yeah. Why?" I replied.

"Well, Hanna, Em and I have got a plan. Are you still going to the Ice Ball tonight?" she questioned.

"Yeah. I'm getting ready for it now." I answer.

"Okay we have a plan. It might be a little dangerous, you know because the baby." she started.

"Just tell me." I said.

"Alright, well when Alison is at the Ball, Hanna and I are going to break into her house to look for evidence of her being 'A'. Toby is going to be in my house as a lookout, watching us and he'll warn us if Ali goes home." she said.

"What if she leaves?" I ask.

"That's where you and Em come in. You will both follow Ali around, seeing who she meets, what she does." she answered.

"That doesn't sound too dangerous." I reply.

"Remember she's 'A'. She has built an army. Lucas is on our side. He's going to be Santa Clause. If you have any news on what Ali does you'll tell him and he'll tell Caleb and Paige who are also watching Ali." she explained.

"Okay. Can I tell Ezra about this?" I asked.

"Yeah. We need him to help Caleb and Paige." Spencer replied.

"Alright. See you there." I said before she hung up.

I done my hair then put the earrings on. The earrings that Ezra gave to me before he asked me to marry him. I looked down at the ring and smiled. I hadn't told anyone that Ezra proposed yet. I still hadn't zipped up the dress because I couldn't reach the zipper so I put on a dark pink, nearly red lipstick and left the bathroom. Ezra was sitting on the couch reading the paper when I walked out. 

"Can you zip this up, please?" I asked, politely. 

Ezra looked up at me. His eyes widened and a huge smile appeared on his face. He stood up and walked over to me.

"Of course I can. Turn around, please." he replied.

I smiled at him and turned around. Ezra zipped the dress and put his hands on my waist.

"You look beautiful." he claimed as he let go of my waist and turned me back around to face him.

"Thank you." I said, smiling up at him.

He smiled back and looked into my eyes. I looked back into his and before I knew it our lips were touching. After the kiss I told him about the plan and he agreed to it.

"So should I introduce you as my boyfriend or my fiance tonight." I joked.

"You introduce me as whoever you want." he replied.

We kissed again and Ezra's phone beeped. He looked at his phone, typed something then put his phone in his back pocket.

"It's here." he said, sounding pleased with himself.

"What's here?" I ask him with a confused look on my face.

"You'll see." he said. 

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